Rommel's Revenge
Rommel's Revenge is a ZX Spectrum
ZX Spectrum
The ZX Spectrum is an 8-bit personal home computer released in the United Kingdom in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd...

 video game developed and released by Crystal Computing
Crystal Computing
Crystal Computing, later renamed Design Design, was a British video game developer founded in 1982 by Chris Clarke and Graham Stafford while students at the University of Manchester. Neil Mottershead, Simon Brattel and Martin Horsley, joined the company as it expanded...

 in 1983
1983 in video gaming
-Events:* A major shakeout of the video game industry begins. By 1986, total video games sales will decrease from US$3.2 billion to US$0.1 billion.* MCA Universal files suit against Nintendo, claiming that the latter company's video arcade hit Donkey Kong violated Universal's copyright on King Kong...


"A brilliant interpretation of the most visually stunning arcade game ever! Superb high resolution 3D graphics with full perspective plus a host of new and exciting features make Rommel's Revenge the most spectacular game ever produced for your ZX Spectrum."

The game

"This is probably the best version yet of the well known arcade original ‘Battle Zone’ and is, of course, similar to Artic’s
Artic Software
In the early 1980s, Artic Software, also known as Artic Computing, was a software development company based in Brandesburton. The company's first games were for the Sinclair ZX81 home computer, but they expanded and were also responsible for various ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, BBC Micro, Acorn...

 ‘3D Combat Zone’. In one sense it’s much better — the flat plain is well landscaped and teeming with buildings, radar towers and telegraph poles. The missiles, once fired, seemed to travel at a realistic speed. In another sense it’s not so good — the enemy tanks don’t appear as frequently and there aren’t any flying saucers to contend with. On the other hand the enemy tanks aren’t so over-intelligent at avoiding your fire, so you get a better sense of achievement! Rather poor sound and the hollow 3D graphics are colourless, but it’s fun just wandering round looking at the buildings. Watch out for the special loader routine which makes it look as though the program isn’t loading properly."


Reviews can be found in the following magazines....

CRASH (magazine)
Crash was a magazine dedicated to the ZX Spectrum home computer. It was published from 1984 to 1991 by Newsfield Publications Ltd until their liquidation, and then until 1992 by Europress.-Development:...


Personal Computer Games
Personal Computer Games
Personal Computer Games was a multi-format UK computer games mag of the early/mid eighties.-History:It is famous for launching the careers of several notable games journalists of the '80s including Bob Wade, Peter Connor and Chris Anderson. Anderson would later launch Amstrad Action, and Future...

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