Rémy Ceillier
Dom Rémy Ceillier was a Benedictine monk of the Lorraine
Lorraine (province)
The Duchy of Upper Lorraine was an historical duchy roughly corresponding with the present-day northeastern Lorraine region of France, including parts of modern Luxembourg and Germany. The main cities were Metz, Verdun, and the historic capital Nancy....

 Congregation of St. Vanne
Congregation of St. Vanne
The Congregation of St. Vanne or Congregation of St. Vanne and St. Hydulphe , sometimes also known as the Vannists was a Benedictine reform movement centred on Lorraine. It was formally established in 1604 on the initiative of Dom Didier de La Cour, prior of the Abbey of St...

. He was the compiler of an immense Histoire générale des auteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques (23 vols., Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

, 1729-1763), being a history and analysis of the writings of all the ecclesiastical writers of the first thirteen centuries. He put trouble and time into the work, and many portions of it are well done. A later and improved edition was produced in Paris, 1858, in 14 vols. Ceillier's other work, Apologie de la morale des Pères de l'Église (Paris, 1718), also won some celebrity.

The most valuable portion of the work is that dealing with the Church fathers of the first six centuries. Here the author was able to draw upon the writings of Tillemont, and to use the scholarly Benedictine editions of the Fathers. Charges of Jansenism
Jansenism was a Christian theological movement, primarily in France, that emphasized original sin, human depravity, the necessity of divine grace, and predestination. The movement originated from the posthumously published work of the Dutch theologian Cornelius Otto Jansen, who died in 1638...

 made against Ceillier in his lifetime and afterwards find no substantiation in his writings, and the treatment accorded to the author and his works by Pope Benedict XIV
Pope Benedict XIV
Pope Benedict XIV , born Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini, was Pope from 17 August 1740 to 3 May 1758.-Life:...

 shows that the pope
The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, a position that makes him the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church . In the Catholic Church, the Pope is regarded as the successor of Saint Peter, the Apostle...

had no doubts as to his orthodoxy.
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