Simple learning design 2.0
Simple Learning Design 2.0 (SLD 2.0) is a learning design specification proposed by Durand and Downes
Stephen Downes
Stephen Downes is a designer and commentator in the fields of online learning and new media. Downes has explored and promoted the educational use of computer and online technologies since 1995...

from the National Research Council of Canada in 2009.
SLD 2.0 is designed to be easily implemented by developers in a commercial e-learning application.
The intent behind SLD 2.0 was to propose a specification with a good balance between its expressivity and the simplicity of its implementation; all features that might have been deemed too complex to implement were systematically avoided."
SLD 2.0 can be used as an add-on to IMS Common Cartridge, respecting and reusing the features of IMS-CC.
To implement the specification an XML schema is available online (here) and explained in the XML Binding Document.
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