Skinner & Eddy
The Skinner & Eddy Corporation, commonly known as Skinner & Eddy, was a Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington
Seattle is the county seat of King County, Washington. With 608,660 residents as of the 2010 Census, Seattle is the largest city in the Northwestern United States. The Seattle metropolitan area of about 3.4 million inhabitants is the 15th largest metropolitan area in the country...

-based shipbuilding corporation that existed from 1916 to 1923. The yard is notable for completing more ships for the U.S. war effort during World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...

 than any other American shipyard, and also for breaking world production speed records for individual ship construction.

In total, the company built 75 ships—72 cargo ships and three oil tankers—from 1916 to 1920, including 32 completed for the Emergency Fleet Corporation during the war. The yard was closed in 1921 as a result of the severe postwar shipbuilding slump. Skinner & Eddy later became a shipping line operator, and appears to have been wound up in the early 1970s.


The Skinner & Eddy Corporation was founded in January 1916 by two entrepreneurs, David E. "Ned" Skinner and John W. Eddy, owners of the Port Blakely Mill Company since 1903. Shortly after its establishment, Skinner & Eddy Corp. began leasing the shipyard of the Seattle Construction & Drydock Company, located between Connecticut and Dearborn Sts., Seattle. Seattle Construction & Dry Dock was itself a successor to the Moran Brothers shipyard, which around the turn of the century had been one of America's largest shipyards, responsible for building Seattle's first battleship, , in 1906.

On April 6, 1917, 15 months after Skinner and Eddy Corp. began leasing the yard, the United States entered World War I. Skinner & Eddy responded to the news by purchasing an additional 15 acres (60,702.9 m²) of Seattle waterfront property from the Seattle Dock Company and the Centennial Flouring Mill for $1,500,000 and $600,000 respectively, which they used to begin building a second shipyard, which became known as Plant No. 2. After securing lucrative contracts from the Emergency Fleet Corporation for the construction of merchant ships for the war effort, Skinner & Eddy was also able in June 1918 to make an outright purchase of the yard of Seattle Construction and Dry Dock, which was named Plant No. 1.


When completed, Skinner & Eddy's facilities included ten building slipways—five at each Plant—and four outfitting docks. A five-section, 459 feet (139.9 m) drydock capable of servicing vessels of up to 15,000 tons was also acquired, along with a 50-ton floating crane.

Most of the ships built by the company during the war were constructed at Plant No. 1, as Plant No. 2 was still under construction for much of this period. With its two plants, which together covered about 57 acres (230,671 m²) of waterfront property, Skinner & Eddy was Seattle's largest shipbuilding company, at its wartime peak employing about 13,500 people.

World War I

The first seven ships built by Skinner & Eddy were for private contractors. The company completed its first ship, Niels Nielson, on November 9, 1916, and had completed a further two by the time the United States entered the war in April 1917. These three ships along with four partially completed vessels were then requisitioned for war service by the newly created United States Shipping Board (USSB). Thereafter, Skinner & Eddy was to build ships exclusively for the USSB, through the latter's agency, the Emergency Fleet Corporation (EFT).

Skinner & Eddy soon began to distinguish itself by its production speed. Prior to its operations, a cargo ship built and delivered in the United States in under 250 days was considered fast, but as early as June 1917, the company under the capable direction of its general manager, David Rodgers, completed a freighter, Stolt Nielson, in under 150 days. In November 1917, the company established a world keel-to-launch production speed record of under 70 days, maintaining and improving on the record over the following five months. In early 1918, another U.S. company briefly established a new world keel-to-launch record of 61 days, but Skinner & Eddy recaptured the record in April with the 55-day launch of West Lianga, a ship that was also completed in the record time of 80 days.

Thereafter, all the company's ships built during the war were each completed in well under 100 days, with a best performance by war's end of 79 days from keel laying to delivery. Good management alone was probably not entirely responsible for the company's outstanding performance however; Skinner & Eddy also paid its employees highly competitive wages, which enabled the company to attract the best and most skilled workers.

The company's improved performance over time is also reflected in its total production figures. In 1917, the company produced a total tonnage of 72,800 tons; the following year it raised production more than threefold, to 232,400 tons. In all, Skinner & Eddy delivered 32 ships to the EFT, including 29 freighters and three tankers, over the course of the war—more than that of any other shipyard in the country.

Postwar history

Since it was a widely held belief in the United States that a shipbuilding boom would follow the end of hostilities, the USSB declined to cancel many of its wartime shipbuilding contracts at the end of the war. In Skinner & Eddy's case, this meant that the company was to complete a further 43 ships for the USSB in the postwar period. In 1920 however, the USSB cancelled a contract for an additional 25 ships, prompting the company to launch a $17 million claim against the government for lost anticipated profits, later reduced to a $9 million claim.

Skinner & Eddy delivered its last ship in February 1920, but failed to secure any further shipbuilding contracts after this date because of the severe postwar shipbuilding slump. In 1923, the Skinner & Eddy shipyard was permanently closed, and the company's proprietors, Ned Skinner and John Eddy, dissolved their longstanding business partnership. John Eddy returned to the lumber business, and Skinner became sole proprietor of the Skinner & Eddy Corporation, which retained its original name.

Skinner & Eddy now entered the shipping line business with the purchase of the Pacific Steamship Company, which operated from the company's former Plant No. 2. The company also invested heavily in Alaska
Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area. It is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait...

n salmon
Salmon is the common name for several species of fish in the family Salmonidae. Several other fish in the same family are called trout; the difference is often said to be that salmon migrate and trout are resident, but this distinction does not strictly hold true...

 canneries. In 1944, Skinner & Eddy bought the Alaska Steamship Company
Alaska Steamship Company
The Alaska Steamship Company was formed on August 3, 1894. Charles Peabody, one of the six founding members, served as president of the company from its creation until 1912. While it originally set out to ship passengers and fishing products, the Alaska Steamship Company began shipping mining...

, and in the postwar period also operated a cruise line. Ned Skinner's grandson, David E. "Ned" Skinner II, discontinued the business in 1971, moving the family assets into real estate. His Skinner Corporation would eventually become one of America's largest private companies.

The ships

Skinner & Eddy produced a total of 75 ships from 1916 to 1920 (the yard no. sequence ends at 76 as the number 13 was skipped). Most of the ships were freighters, but three 10,000-ton tankers were amongst the seven ships built for private contractors prior to the U.S. entry into World War I.

The company built three different types of standard freighters for the USSB, all of them of Skinner & Eddy's own design. The USSB designated these types as Design 1013
Design 1013 ship
The Design 1013 ship , also known as the Robert Dollar type, was a steel-hulled cargo ship design approved for mass production by the United States Shipping Boards Emergency Fleet Corporation in World War I...

, Design 1079 and Design 1105 respectively.

The Design 1013 ships were 8,800 tons deadweight, with a length of 423 feet 9 inches (410 ft between perpendiculars), beam of 54 feet (16.5 m) and hold depth of 29 in 9 in (9.07 m) Some examples of this type of ship were turbine
Steam turbine
A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and converts it into rotary motion. Its modern manifestation was invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884....

 powered and others were fitted with triple expansion
Marine steam engine
A marine steam engine is a reciprocating steam engine that is used to power a ship or boat. Steam turbines and diesel engines largely replaced reciprocating steam engines in marine applications during the 20th century, so this article describes the more common types of marine steam engine in use...

  engines. Some were also completed as oil fired and others as coal fired vessels. Skinner & Eddy built a total of 24 ships of this type. Most of the ships completed by the company during the war were of this type.

The Design 1079 was of 9,600 tons deadweight, turbine-powered and oil fired, with dimensions of 409.6 x 54.2 x 27.1 feet (8.3 m). Skinner & Eddy was the only company which built this type. A total of 23 were completed. The Design 1105 was also 9,600 tons deadweight, oil-fired and with triple expansion engines. Dimensions were 401.5 x 54.8 x 32.1 feet (9.8 m). Again, Skinner & Eddy was the only company which produced this type. A total of 14 were built.

Additionally, eleven 8,800 deadweight-ton freighters, similar if not identical to the Design 1013s were built prior to the manufacture of the USSB types listed above. All types had a typical service speed of between 11 and 12 knots (23.5 km/h).

In service

Of the first 39 ships built by Skinner & Eddy during and shortly after World War I, 23 were immediately commissioned on completion into the U.S. Navy, and served briefly as supply ships before decommissioning in 1919. A further three were assigned Navy ID's but never commissioned.

In the immediate postwar period, three Skinner & Eddy ships (including one of those previously assigned a Navy ID) were converted into destroyer tender
Destroyer tender
A destroyer tender is a ship designed to provide maintenance support to a flotilla of destroyers or other small warships. The use of this class has faded from its peak in the first half of the 20th century as the roles of small combatants have evolved .Due to the increased size and automation of...

s and commissioned into the U.S. Navy as , and . All three of these vessels would remain in Navy service through the end of World War II.

Only one Skinner & Eddy ship was lost (to enemy action) in World War I. In the interwar period, most of the company's vessels were engaged in commercial service. Three, , Elkton and Nile were lost to maritime accidents in the 1920s, and seven more were scrapped in the 1930s, probably because of the oversupply of shipping.

World War II took a heavy toll of Allied
Allies of World War II
The Allies of World War II were the countries that opposed the Axis powers during the Second World War . Former Axis states contributing to the Allied victory are not considered Allied states...

 merchant vessels, and of the 64 Skinner & Eddy ships that saw service in the war, 31, or almost 50%, were lost to enemy action, most of them to U-boats. Another two were deliberately sunk as breakwaters during the Normandy Campaign
Normandy Campaign
The Battle of Normandy or Normandy Campaign includes the following:* Operation Overlord - The Western Allied campaign in France from June 6 - August 25, 1944...

. The 31 that survived the war were mostly scrapped in the late 1940s and 1950s, and only four were still in existence by 1960. The last Skinner & Eddy vessel to see service was probably Edray, transferred to the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

 under lend-lease
Lend-Lease was the program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, Free France, and other Allied nations with materiel between 1941 and 1945. It was signed into law on March 11, 1941, a year and a half after the outbreak of war in Europe in...

 during World War II and scrapped in 1967.

Fate of the shipyards

Following the closure of the Skinner & Eddy shipyards in 1923, the company's Plant No. 2 was sold in 1924 to the Pacific Steamshp Company, which built a new office and terminus on the site. The site also became the terminus of the Admiral Line, which did considerable trade with Siberia
Siberia is an extensive region constituting almost all of Northern Asia. Comprising the central and eastern portion of the Russian Federation, it was part of the Soviet Union from its beginning, as its predecessor states, the Tsardom of Russia and the Russian Empire, conquered it during the 16th...

 and the Orient
The Orient means "the East." It is a traditional designation for anything that belongs to the Eastern world or the Far East, in relation to Europe. In English it is a metonym that means various parts of Asia.- Derivation :...


With the onset of the Great Depression
Great Depression
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s...

 in 1929, the site became a Hooverville
A 'Hooverville' was the popular name for shanty towns built by homeless people during the Great Depression. They were named after the President of the United States at the time, Herbert Hoover, because he allegedly let the nation slide into depression...

 for Seattle's unemployed. During World War II, the Hooverville was razed to make way for a huge supply depot run by the Army Quartermaster Corps
U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps
The United States Army Quartermaster Corps is a Sustainment branch of the United States Army. It is also one of three U.S. Army logistics branches, the others being the Transportation Corps and the Ordnance Corps....

, and after the war it became a base for the U.S. Coast Guard. Today, the site is the location for several large container ship
Container ship
Container ships are cargo ships that carry all of their load in truck-size intermodal containers, in a technique called containerization. They form a common means of commercial intermodal freight transport.-History:...

ping terminals. Skinner & Eddy's Plant No. 1, meanwhile, has become part of Seattle's SoDo district.

Production history

The following table represents a complete list of all ships built by the Skinner & Eddy Corporation. Ships marked with an asterisk (*) are those commissioned into the U.S. Navy in 1918-19. Ships marked with a double asterisk are those assigned ID numbers by the Navy but never commissioned. Ships which had different names during their career are linked (where a link is available) to the last name in the "Yard name(s)" column, in order to make active links easier to find.

Fields marked with a hyphen indicate that the given field is not applicable to this particular ship. Gross tonnage values (GRT
Gross Register Tonnage
Gross register tonnage a ship's total internal volume expressed in "register tons", one of which equals to a volume of . It is calculated from the total permanently enclosed capacity of the vessel. The ship's net register tonnage is obtained by reducing the volume of non-revenue-earning spaces i.e...

) use the nominal GRT for the ship type (identifiable by a "00" in the last two digits) where a more precise GRT is not available for the individual ship. Consult the table legend for additional information about the table.
Ships built by the Skinner & Eddy Corporation, 1916-1920
Yd No. USSB No. Yard name(s) Later names Type Dsgn # GRT Deliv. Fate Year
1 - Niels Nielson Yoshu Maru 26 F - 5711 09/11/16 Bmb 45
2 - Hanna Nielson Taian Maru 26 F - 5655 22/12/16 Torp 43
3 - S. V. Harkness Svithiod 26 T - 6400 08/05/17 Scrp 48
4 - Josiah Macy - T - 6400 09/06/17 Scrp 50
5 - Stolt Nielson - F - 5600 26/06/17 Torp 18
6 - J. M. Fox
- F - 5800 20/08/17 Scrp 43
7 - Luise Nielsen Taigen Maru 26 F - 5660 10/03/17 Torp 42
8 - Lt. de Missiessy - F - 5600 19/09/17 Scrp 33
9 - Martha Washington
Nikkosan Maru
USS Western Front (ID-1787)
USS Western Front was a steel-hulled cargo ship which saw service as an auxiliary with the United States Navy in World War I. Initially named Martha Washington, she was laid down for mercantile service as Nikkosan Maru, but following America's entry into the war, was requisitioned by the United...

Western Front* 18 F - 5600 20/10/17 Accd 21
10 - War Flame
West Haven
USS West Haven (ID-2159)
USS West Haven was a steel–hulled freighter that saw service with the U.S. Navy during World War I, and which later saw convoy service during the Battle of the Atlantic in World War II....

Marian Otis Chandler 29
Onomea 38
Empire Leopard 40
F - 5520 24/12/17 Torp 42
11 - Trontolite - T - 7115 02/02/18 Scrp 46
12 - Jas G. Eddy
West Arrow
SS Black Osprey
SS Black Osprey was a cargo ship for the American Diamond Lines and the British Cairn Line. She was formerly known as SS West Arrow when she was launched for the during World War I...

Black Osprey 35 F - 5589 26/02/18 Torp 41
14 83 Western Hero - F 1013
Design 1013 ship
The Design 1013 ship , also known as the Robert Dollar type, was a steel-hulled cargo ship design approved for mass production by the United States Shipping Boards Emergency Fleet Corporation in World War I...

5611 05/01/18 Scrp 46
15 84 * Primavista 46
Panenterprise 48
Maryland 52
F 1013 5600 12/02/18 Scrp 54
16 - David Rogers
Port Texaco No. 1 32 F - 5600 09/03/18 Scrp 51
17 - Elizabeth Gibbs
Western Queen
Virginia 46
Virginia II 48
F - 5600 25/04/18 Scrp 54
18 85 Canoga - F 1013 5600 23/03/18 Scrp 33
19 86 Ossineke - F 1013 5600 13/04/18 Scrp 31
20 1175 West Durfee - F 1013 5522 16/05/18 Scrp 46
21 1176 * Helen Whittier 29
Kalani 38
Empire Cheetah 40
Hobbema 42
F 1013 5600 04/05/18 Torp 42
22 87 * - F 1013 5600 04/06/18 Scrp 33
23 88 * - F 1013 5600 19/06/18 Scrp 33
24 1177 West Cohas
SS Empire Simba
SS Empire Simba was a British steam-powered cargo ship. She was originally an American ship, launched in 1918 as SS West Cohas. During a stint in the United States Navy from 1918 to 1919, she was known as USS West Cohas ....

Empire Simba 40 F 1013 5600 29/06/18 Scut 45
25 1178 * Empire Wildebeeste 41 F 1013 5600 13/07/18 Torp 42
26 1179 * Empire Hartebeeste 41 F 1013 5600 20/07/18 Torp 42
27 1180 West Gotomska
SS West Gotomska
SS West Gotomska was a steel–hulled cargo ship built in 1918 as part of the World War I emergency wartime shipbuilding program organized by the United States Shipping Board.West Gotomska was commissioned straight into the U.S...

Andelien 43 F 1013 5728 07/08/18 Scrp 48
28 1181 West Hobomac
USS West Hobomac (ID-3335)
USS West Hobomac was a steel–hulled cargo ship which saw service with the U.S. Navy as an auxiliary during World War I, and which later operated under the British flag during World War II before being lost to enemy action....

Ile de Batz 40 F 1013 5600 17/08/18 Torp 42
29 1182 align="left" | * Constance Chandler 29
Liloa 38
Belorussia 45
F 1013 5600 29/08/18 Scrp 60
30 1183 align="left" | * - F 1013 5527 14/09/18 Torp 44
31 1184 align="left" | * - F 1013 5637 30/09/18 Torp 42
32 1185 align="left" | * - F 1013 5644 15/10/18 Scrp 36
33 1186 * - F 1013 5565 30/10/18 Torp 43
34 1187 align="left" | * - F 1013 5600 13/11/18 Scrp 38
35 1188 align="left" | ** - F 1013 5561 —/04/19 Torp 43
36 1925 align="left" | * Briansk 43
Tallin 45
F 1013 5596 —/12/18 Wrk 46
37 1926 align="left" | * Golden Kauri 28
Waipio 39
Paralos II 46
F 1013 5548 —/01/19 Scrp 54
38 1927 * USAT Major General Henry Gibbins 41 F 1013 5766 23/10/18 Torp 42
39 1928 align="left" | * Mae 36 F 1013 5607 —/11/18 Torp 42
40 1731 align="left" | * USAT Irvin L. Hunt 41
Edenton 46
F 1079 6800 05/12/18 Scrp 48
41 1732 Edgecombe
USS Rigel (AD-13)
USS Rigel was a destroyer tender, the lone ship in her class, named for Rigel, the brightest star in the constellation Orion....

USS Rigel (AD-13) 21 F/DT 1079 6800 24/12/18 Scrp 50
42 1733 Edgefield Empire Ibex 41 F 1079 6800 31/12/18 Clsn 43
43 1929 Eldena - F 1079 6800 —/05/19 Torp 43
44 1930 Eldora
- F 1079 7041 —/05/19 Torp 42
45 1734 Edgehill Oremar 39
Mangore 48
F 1079 6854 02/04/19 Scrp 50
46 1735 Edgemont American Sailor 40 F 1079 6800 22/04/19 Scrp 53
47 1931 Eldridge Tacoma 28
Ewa 37
Nogin 43
F 1079 6800 —/06/19 Scrp 57
48 1736 Edgemoor American Seaman 39 F 1079 6800 08/05/19 Scrp 52
49 1737 Edgewood
USS Denebola (AD-12)
USS Denebola was an named for Denebola, the second brightest star in the constellation Leo.Originally built in 1919 as SS Edgewood by Skinner and Eddy of Seattle, Washington, then transferred from the Shipping Board on 4 November 1921 and converted for naval use at Philadelphia Navy Yard...

USS Denebola (AD-12)
F 1079 6800 —/05/19 Scrp 50
50 1932 Elmsport Kenmar 39 F 1079 6844 —/07/19 Wrk 45
51 1738 Edisto
USS Altair (AD-11)
USS Altair was the lead ship of a class of two destroyer tenders.She was named for Altair, the brightest star in the constellation Aquila.-United States Shipping Board, 1919–1921:...

USS Altair (AD-11) 21
Edisto 46
F 1079 6800 —/06/19 Scrp 47
52 1933 Elkader
Colorado Springs
Marymar 39 F 1079 6847 —/07/19 Scrp 47
53 1739 Edmore Grays Harbor 28
Honomu 37
F 1079 6800 —/07/19 Torp 42
54 1934 Wheatland Montana Seattle 28
Lihue 37
F 1079 6800 —/08/19 Torp 42
55 1740 Edray
City of Spokane
Olympia 28
Hamakua 37
Kuibyshev 45
F 1105 6400 —/07/19 Scrp 67
56 1935 Stanley Empire Pelican 41 F 1105 6463 —/08/19 Torp 41
57 1741 Eelbeck Empire Bunting 41 F 1105 6318 —/08/19 SkBr 44
58 1936 Elkridge Golden Star 28
Tennessean 37
Empire Penguin 40
Van de Velde 42
Rijnland 47
Vaptistis 57
F 1105 6379 —/08/19 Scrp 59
59 1937 Elkhorn Port Texaco No. 4 36 F 1105 6400 —/09/19 Scrp 51
60 1938 Editor Empire Dunlin 41
Norlom 42
F 1105 6400 —/09/19 Bmb 43
61 1939 Endicott Empire Mermaid 40 F 1105 6400 —/09/19 Torp 41
62 1940 Elkton - F 1105 6400 —/09/19 Mss 27
63 1941 Brave Coeur Empire Gull 41 F 1105 6458 —/10/19 Torp 42
64 1942 Cripple Creek - F 1105 6400 —/10/19 Torp 42
65 1943 Crisfield Golden Horn 28
Kaimoku 38
F 1105 6400 —/10/19 Torp 42
66 1743 Effna - F 1105 6400 —/11/19 Torp 41
67 1742 Effingham - F 1105 6400 —/11/19 Torp 42
68 1744 Eglantine
- People :* Fabre d'Églantine, French actor, dramatist, and politician of the French Revolution* Églantine Éméyé, French tv presenter and journalist* Eglantyne Jebb, British social reformer and founder of the Save the Children charity...

Empire Buffalo 40 F 1105 6325 —/11/19 Torp 42
69 1745 Egremont Calobre 41
Borodino 45
F 1079 7000 —/11/19 Scrp 63
70 1944 Nile - F 1079 7000 —/12/19 Wrk 27
71 1945 Jadden J. B. White 41 F 1079 7000 —/12/19 Torp 41
72 1946 Crosskeys Golden Peak 28
Utahan 37
Futura 51
F 1079 7031 —/12/19 Scrp 60
73 1947 Crown Point
Robin Hood
- F 1079 6887 —/12/19 Torp 42
74 1948 Crowswind
Robin Adair
Bonaventure 46 F 1079 6895 —/01/20 Scrp 52
75 1949 Croydon
Robin Gray
- F 1079 6896 —/01/20 SkBr 44
76 1950 Crystal Spring
Robin Goodfellow
- F 1079 6885 —/02/20 Torp 44

LEGEND: Yd No. = yard number; USSB No. = USSB number; Yard name(s) = name(s) given to ship prior to entering service, in chronological order. Later names = names given to ship after entering service. If field is blank, ship used last listed yard name for entire career. Two digit field following names in this colum indicates last two digits of year in which ship was renamed. Type = type of ship, either F for freighter or T for tanker. Dsgn # = USSB Design number. Ships with no listed number were built prior to the introduction of the system. GRT = gross register tons. Ships for which an exact tonnage is not available are listed here with the nominal GRT of the type, usually recognizable by the last two digits being zero. Deliv. = date of ship's delivery to customer. For some ships the exact date is not known. Fate = fate of ship. Abbreviations as follows: Accd = accident, Bmb = bombed and sunk, Clsn = collision with another ship, Mssg = missing presumed lost, Scrp = scrapped, SkBr = sunk as breakwater, Scut = scuttled, Torp = torpedoed, Wrk = wrecked. Year = year ship was lost (last two digits of year shown).

Sources for this table: Pacific Ports Annual pp. 63-64, 402-405; Jordan;; and various individual DANFS ship entries.
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