Someone's Daughter
"Someone's Daughter" is a song by Beth Orton
Beth Orton
Beth Orton is a BRIT Award–winning English singer-songwriter, known for her 'folktronica' sound, which mixes elements of folk and electronica. She was initially recognised for her collaborations with William Orbit and the Chemical Brothers in the mid 1990s. However, these were not Orton's first...

, released as her fourth single, found on her 1996 release Trailer Park
Trailer park
A trailer park is a semi-permanent or permanent area for mobile homes or travel trailers. The main reasons for living in such trailer parks are the often lower cost compared to other housing, and the ability to move to a new area more quickly and easily, for example when changing jobs to another...

. It contains 3 songs, and was released on C.D. and vinyl. The release peaked at #49 in the UK official singles chart.

CD: Heavenly / HVN 65CD United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

  1. "Someone's Daughter" - 3:37
  2. "I Wish I Never Saw The Sunshine" - 4:45
  3. "It's This I Am I Find" - 3:49
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