St. Olaf's Church in Tyrvää (book)
St Olaf's Church In Tyrvää – One Hundred and One Paintings is a book published in 2010 by Kirjapaja. In the book Pirjo Silveri describes how the medieval St Olaf's Church in Tyrvää, Finland was reconstructed by hand after it was burned in 1997. Finnish contemporary painters Kuutti Lavonen
Kuutti Lavonen
Kuutti Lavonen is a Finnish painter, photographer, and graphic artist, who has worked as professor at the Academy of Fine Arts . His poetry book Havahtumisia was published in 2005 by Kirjapaja....

 and Osmo Rauhala made all the paintings. The painting are presented in the book, as are the artists. The material for the book consists of thousands of photos, interviewing tapes, notes and press clippings.

The book includes tens of photos of the reconstruction work and of the new paintings.

The book is in English and in Finnish. It was launched July 3, 2010 at the Old Book Festival in Sastamala
Sastamala is a town and municipality of Finland. It was created January 1, 2009, when the municipalities of Vammala, Äetsä and Mouhijärvi were consolidated into a single town....

, Finland. The writer of the book Pirjo Silveri was called to document the whole process of painting the interior of the church.
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