St. Paul's Catacombs
St. Paul’s Catacombs are some of the most prominent features of Malta’s
Malta , officially known as the Republic of Malta , is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, south of Sicily, east of Tunisia and north of Libya, with Gibraltar to the west and Alexandria to the east.Malta covers just over in...

 paleochristian archaeology. The archaeological clearing of the site has revealed an extensive system of underground galleries and tombs dated from the fourth to the ninth centuries AD.

The site was first fully investigated in 1894 by Dr Antonio Annetto Caruana
Antonio Annetto Caruana
Antonio Annetto Caruana , also known as A.A. Caruana, was a Maltese archaeologist and author.Born in Valletta, Malta, Caruana showed an unusual proficiency in the knowledge of classical literature by his early adulthood. Graduating in Theology, he declined being ordained as a priest to marry Maria...

. It is now managed by Heritage Malta
Heritage Malta
Heritage Malta is the Maltese national agency for museums, conservation practice and cultural heritage. Created by the Cultural Heritage Act, enacted in 2002, the national agency replaced the former Museums Department....


Two catacombs
Catacombs, human-made subterranean passageways for religious practice. Any chamber used as a burial place can be described as a catacomb, although the word is most commonly associated with the Roman empire...

 are open to the public, but these are only a small part of the entire St. Pauls and St. Agatha’s complex.
St. Paul’s catacombs are part of a large cemetery once located outside the walls of the ancient Greek city of Melite
Melite was one of the naiads, daughter of the river god Aegaeus, and one of the many loves of Zeus and his son Hercules. Given the choice, she chose Hercules over Zeus who went off in search of other pursuits...

, now Mdina
Mdina, Città Vecchia, or Città Notabile, is the old capital of Malta. Mdina is a medieval walled town situated on a hill in the centre of the island. Punic remains uncovered beyond the city’s walls suggest the importance of the general region to Malta’s Phoenician settlers. Mdina is commonly...

. It also comprises the catacombs of St. Agatha, San Katald, St. Augustine and many others.

The cemetery probably originated in the Phoenician-Punic period. Like in Roman tradition, Phoenician and Punic burials were located outside city walls. The many tombs discovered in areas outside the known line of the Roman city suggest that the city of Melite was close to equal size.

The early tombs consisted of a deep rectangular shaft with one or two chambers dug from its sides. This type of burial was used well into the Roman occupation of the islands, but the chambers grew larger and more regular in shape over time. It is probable that this enlargement joined neighboring tombs and led to the creation of small catacombs, which became the norm by the fourth century AD.
The site that is currently open to the public comprises two catacombs out of the 24 in the St Paul’s cluster. The main complex, covering an area of more than 2000 square metres, is so far the largest catacomb ever to be found on the island. It is large enough to have served as a communal burial ground in successive phases of Malta’s history. The two halls at the bottom of the entrance stairs show two agape tables
Agape feast
The term Agape or Love feast was used of certain religious meals among early Christians that seem originally to have been closely related to the Eucharist...

 (circular tables hewn out of the living rock and used for ceremonial meals commemorating dead relatives). One of the halls was transformed into an early church following the expulsion of Arab conquerors in the second century AD.

Although the complex contains almost all of the burial types found in the Maltese repertoire, the best represented are so-called baldacchino
A baldachin, or baldaquin , is a canopy of state over an altar or throne. It had its beginnings as a cloth canopy, but in other cases it is a sturdy, permanent architectural feature, particularly over high altars in cathedrals, where such a structure is more correctly called a ciborium when it is...

 tombs. These free-standing, canopied burials dominate the main corridors of the complex; their four elegant arches and supporting pillars are exemplary. Other decorations within this catacomb include illustrations and written messages in red paint.

The second catacomb that can be visited is much smaller than the first. The surgical tools carved in relief on one of the three blocking stones in the inner chamber suggest that it was the burial place of a particular family or group of surgeons.
Religious diversity=
The catacombs of St. Paul illustrate the religious diversity of the Maltese islands during the Roman period. The 24 catacombs show evidence of Christian
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament...

, Pagan and Jewish burials side-by-side and no visible divisions.
Excavation and conservation=
The excavation of the catacombs began in the late 1800s and, other than the construction of protective rooms, no further conservation was undertaken in the twentieth century.

With funds from the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund
European Regional Development Fund
The European Regional Development Fund is a fund allocated by the European Union.-History:During the 1960s, the European Commission occasionally tried to establish a regional fund. Only Italy ever supported this, however, and nothing came of it. Britain made it an issue for their accession in...

 (Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013), Heritage Malta is performing extensive archaeological and environmental research. Various other studies will be conducted in the coming few years, culminating in the development of new visitor facilities as well as the opening to the public of most of the smaller catacombs.

Opening hours

The catacombs are open every day from 9am till 5pm, with last admission at 4:30pm.
They are closed on Good Friday, Christmas Eve and Day, and New Years Eve and Day.


Visitors can access the Domvs Romana
Roman Domus
The Roman domus is a Roman-era house just outside the walls of Mdina, Malta. The building dates back to the last half of 2nd century BC. As in other buildings of the same period, its pavements incorporate mosaic compositions which are comparable to those of Pompeii and Sicily...

, St. Paul’s Catacombs and the National Museum of Natural History
National Museum of Natural History (Malta)
The National Museum of Natural History is located in a building full of history, within the medieval walled city of Mdina, Malta. It exists from the mid-1960s and has been open to the public since 1973...

in one day with the Rabat–Mdina multi-site ticket.
External links=
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