Stefania Górska
Stefania Górska (1907–1986) was a Polish actress, composer, singer and dancer. She was married to actor Wacława Zadrozińskiego (Boruch, 1909–1942).

In 1928 she graduated from the Tacjanny Wysocki School of Dance and Stage and debuted as singer and dancer (the Tacjan Girls) at the theater Qui Pro Quo in the revue Ja lubię podglądać (I like to spy). She later sang as soloist and in a trio (with Ireną Różyńską and Zofią Terne) in Warsaw cabaret revues and theaters like Banda, Cyrulik Warszawski, Morskie Oko and Hollywood. In 1930 a song she composed, Nasza Jest Noc, lyrics by Julian Tuwim
Julian Tuwim
Julian Tuwim , sometimes used pseudonym "Oldlen" when writing song lyrics. He was a Polish poet, born in Łódź, Congress Poland, Russian Empire, of Jewish parents, and educated in Łódź and Warsaw where he studied law and philosophy at Warsaw University...

, became became a hit sung by the Chór Dana in the revue Maj za pase. Some of her other songs were Dziewczynka z zapałkami, Głos z daleka and Rozstanie (all with words by Julian Tuwim, Kobieta anioł (words by Jerzy Jurandot
Jerzy Jurandot
Jerzy Jurandot, born Jerzy Glejgewicht , Polish poet, dramatist, satirist and songwriter....

), Niech nikt o tym nie wie (she wrote the words), Żoneczka (words by W. Boniński). She co-wrote the Eugeniusz Bodo
Eugeniusz Bodo
Eugeniusz Bodo was a film director, producer and one of the most popular Polish actors and comedians of the inter-war period. He starred in some of the most popular Polish film productions of the 1930s, including His Excellency, The Shop Assistant, Czy Lucyna to dziewczyna? and Pieśniarz Warszawy...

 hit Sex Appeal with Henryk Wars
Henryk Wars
Henryk Wars was a Polish and later American pop music composer. He wrote the music for 50 films in the interwar period in Poland and sixty more in the United States...

, lyrics by Ludwik Starski
Ludwik Starski
Ludwik Starski was a well-known Polish Jewish lyricist, sound engineer and screenwriter of the twentieth century. He was the father of the cinematographer Allan Starski, who often worked with movie director Andrzej Wajda...


As a singer, she launched the hits Bubliczki (G. Bogomazow, Andrzej Włast
Andrzej Włast
Andrzej Włast was a Polish Jewish songwriter. He wrote the lyrics for the 1929 hit song "Tango Milonga". He died in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II.-Biography:...

), Czy pani Marta jest grzechu warta (F. Raymond), Dla ciebie zrobię wszystko, Gdy zobaczysz ciotkę mą (Rudolf Nelson, Andrzej Włast), Pan Agapit (duet with Andrzej Bogucki), and Ukradła mi szantrapa.

She acted in the 1933 movie Zabawka (Toy) and starred in subsequent films: Papa się żeni (Papa's Wedding), Córka generała Pankratowa (Daughter of General Pankratowa), and post-war films Inspekcja pana Anatola (Mr. Anatol's Inspection) and Cafe pod Minogą (Cafe at Minoga.

In 1948 she became involved with the Warsaw Syrena Theater and sang on the concert stage. In 1974 she sang at the Hagaw festival Old Jazz Meeting. She died in Warsaw.
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