This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn
This is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn is a young adult novel by Aidan Chambers
Aidan Chambers
Aidan Chambers is an award-winning British writer of novels for children and young adults.- Life and work :Born near Chester-le-Street, County Durham in 1934, Chambers was an only child, and a poor scholar; considered "slow" by his teachers, he did not learn to read fluently until the age of nine...

, published in 2005.

It is the last work in the "Dance sequence" of six novels, preceded by Breaktime, Dance on My Grave
Dance on My Grave
Dance on My Grave: a life and a death in four parts, one hundred and seventeen bits, six running reports and two press clippings, with a few jokes, a puzzle or three, some footnotes and a fiasco now and then to help the story along is a 1982 young adult novel by British author Aidan Chambers...

, Now I Know
Now I Know (novel)
Now I Know is a young adult novel by Aidan Chambers, first published in 1987.It is a meditation on faith and religion through three interlinked stories, which are told by means of letters, jottings, flashbacks, poetry and puzzles...

, The Toll Bridge
The Toll Bridge
The Toll Bridge is a young adult novel by Aidan Chambers.Jan, seventeen-years-old, leaves home to be a toll bridge keeper. He meets Tess and Adam.-Bibliography:...

, and Postcards from No Man's Land
Postcards from No Man's Land
Postcards from No Man's Land is a young adult novel by Aidan Chambers. The book follows the experiences of 17-year-old Jacob Todd as he visits Amsterdam during the commemmoration of the Battle of Arnhem, in which his grandfather fought....



Cordelia Kenn, 19 years old, writes a pillow book for her unborn daughter, about her sexual experiences. According to Barnes & Noble,
"Using a pillow book as her form, nineteen-year-old Cordelia Kenn sets out to write her life for her unborn daughter. What emerges is a portrait of an extraordinary girl who writes frankly of love, sex, poetry, nature, and, most of all, of herself in the world. As she attempts to capture “all” of herself on paper, Cordelia maddens, fascinates, and ultimately seduces the reader in this tour de force from a writer who has helped redefine literature for young adults."
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