Tu'i Kanokupolu
The Ha'a Tu'i Kanokupolu is the most junior of the Ha'a Tu'i (King's lineage) in Tonga. They are generally refer to as the Kau Halalalo ( Kauhala means the side of the road, lalo means lower, thus the lower side of the road.) The Ha'a Tu'i Tonga, the most senior and Sacred Ha'a Tu'i in Tonga are generally refer to as the Kauhala'uta, The inland side of the roads. This is a reference to Mu'a, the old capital and residence of the Tu'i Tonga, where the original and senior members resided on the higher and inland side of the road while the younger and newer residence expand the settlement in Mu'a to the lower side of the road or the beach side of the road. This is where junior members will arrive in their canoes during the 'Inasi Ceremonies and will settle along the beach until all their first fruit presentation to the Sacred King (Tu'i Tonga) is completed and they will leave and go back to their different district.
Readers of this article should also understand that the first few Kings from the Tu'i Kanokupolu are only references from Tongan Myths and Oral History. The earliest written record that are from Capt Cook in 1777. It will be in 1797 with the arrival of the missionaries from the London Missionary Society that we will based this article on. It is important to note that any dates before 1777 would be highly unreliable.
Chiefs of Ha'a Ngata Motu'a Clan: 'Ahio ('ulu), Ata, Ve'ehala, Kapukava, Afu, 'Ahome'e, Hafoka
Chiefs of Ha'a Havea Lahi Clan: Ma'afu ('ulu), Lavaka, Fielakepa, Fohe, Tu'ivakano, Vaea, Lasike (son 0f their sister), Mohulamu, Momotu
Chiefs of Ha'a Havea Si'i Clan: Ika, Maka, Fale'osi, Lapota
and ?? the ?? Tu'i Tonga
. This is also the beginning of the alternative names that is also used to refer to the Ha'a Tu'i Kanokupolu, Haamoheofo. This literally means: Ha'a= clans, Moheofo= Principal wife of the Tu'i Tonga, meaning the Clan that provide the Principal Wife of the King of Tonga or Tu'i Tonga. His younger son, Tuituiohu established the clan Ha'a Ngata Tupu in Vava'u which came into prominence during his son, Finau 'Ulukalala I rule of Vava'u and Ha'apai.
Chiefs of the Ha'a Ngata Tupu Clan: 'Ulukalala ('ulu), To'amotu, Tu'i'oemoana, Kapetaua, Mapakaitolo, Faka'iloatonga?
His children started the clan Ha'a Ma'afu which are mainly used today to referred to the grand children of the Tu'i Kanokupolu who are not bounded to another clan or Ha'a.
Chiefs from the Ha'a Ma'afu Clan:
Tupouto'a title of the Crown Prince and all Prince and Princes of the current Royal Household with no chief title or are not part of any Ha'a or Clan.
Notes: All great-grandchildren of the Tu'i Kanokupolu who are not part of other clans who generally reside in the Kolomotu'a (old settlement) and Kolofo'ou (new settlement) of Nuku'alofa
We now heard, that there were other great men of the island, whom we had not as yet seen. Otago and Toobou, in particular mentioned a person named Mareewagee, who, they said, was of the first consequence in the place, and held in great veneration;
On Capt Cook visited in 1777, he wrote about Mareewagee (Maealiuaki a high chief who was old and in retirement), Feenou (Finau 'Ulukalala of Vava'u), Toobou chief of Annamouka (Tupou chief of Nomuka), Tooboueitoa king of the surrounding islands of Kottoo (Tupouto'a high chief around Kotu and the surrounding islands of Ha'apai) , Poulaho (Paulaho the Tu'i Tonga) and his son Fattafaihe (Fatafehi) who was about twelve years old at that time and lastly Toobou (most likely the Tu'i Kanokupolu of that time as they were addressed as Tupou).
While Capt Cook describe Maealiuaki as old and in retirement, he mention that Tupou was younger and going blind from eye problem. Capt Cook also mention that Maealiuaki and Tupou are brothers. It was also interesting to note that peaceful interaction between all the chiefs and the way they all pay respect to the Tu'i Tonga Paulaho and his son Fatafehi.
Feenou that Capt Cook make reference to during this visit was Finau Tuku'aho, since Capt Cook met him in Ha'apai and he seemed to be a great chief. Feenou told Captain Cook that he will leave to Vavaoo (Vava'u) to gather provision for Capt Cook. When Capt Cook informed Feenou that he will follow him to Vava'u, Feenou refused and advice Cook that there was no anchorage places in Vava'u. This showed that Fenow is the high chief and have influnce in Ha'apai and he was not please to show Cook that Vava'u has some of the best anhorage in the Pacific Ocean.
Ceorge Vason when he went and stayed with Mulikiha'amea descriped his household in the following manner.
12th Tu'i Kanokupolu Tupoumoheofo
The daughter of Tupoulahi and principal wife of the Tui Tonga Paulaho, thus the name Tupou Moheofo (Tupou the principal wife of the Tu'i Tonga). Her cousin Tukuaho was very angry when he heard about it, he came back from his residence on Eua
and cursed in her face: pali fie ule (vagina wanting to be penis)and she was defeated by Tuku'aho. Tuku'aho installed his father Mumui, the son of the 6th Tu'i Kanokupolu, Ma'afu 'o Tu'i Tonga, as the 13th Tu'i Kanokupolu.
George Vason wrote about the incident between Tupoumoheofo and Tuku'aho in 1797 and mention that Mumui is the Tu'i Kanokupolu. This indicate that the incident already happen a few years before since Mumui was already King.
Mumui was the first Tu'i Kanokupolu mention in writing by the arrival of George VAson and the LMS missionaries in 1797. Vason recorded Mumui's visit to the missionaries as:
The death of Mumui was also recorded by Vason in his writing that it was not long after their arrival, and the missionaries were all under Tuku'aho's protection as designated by his father Mumui, the Tu'i Kanokupolu Mumui passed away.
14th Tu'i Kanokupolu Tuku'aho
The son of 13th Tu'i Kanokupolu Mumui whom was said to be a fierced warrior and respected leader. George Vason wrote that after Tuku'aho's father's funeral and his election to be the 14th Tu'i Kanokupolu.
The above translation for the proclamation was the original translation by Vason, however, the translation could be more exact as "Tupou Tuku'aho Tu'i Kanokupolu fa'iteliha kiamautolu" or in English, 'Tupou Tuku'aho do as you please of us". The editors translation is based on the use of "gee ma toolou " as in "kimautolu" and not "pe mautolu".
The LMS Missionaries who all stayed under the protection of Tuku'aho in Hihifo were then divided up into the district and their chiefs. This events help to record who was all the great chiefs in Tonga during this time in Tonga.
The quote above stated that the plan to divided up the missionaries were approved by Tuku'aho the Tu'i Knaokupolu who protected the missionaries in Hihifo. The division were: two missionaries stayed with Vaha'i in Ha'ateiho, one went to an inferior chief named Muli in Hahake, one went to Mulikiha'amea the second highest chief in Tonga, two went to the Tu'i Tonga at Mu'a and the three remaining stayed in Hihifo with the Tu'i Kanokupolu.
The interesting part in the view recorded by the Missionaries that the Tu'i Kanokupolu Tuku'aho seemed to be the most powerful but not necessary the highest, then Mulikiha'amea the second chief of Tonga Tapu who is recorded as the 11th Tu'i Kanokupolu who gave up and took the Tu'i Ha'atakalaua title at this stage. The chief Vaha'i who was renounce later during the civil war is also recorded to be in Ha'ateiho and likely to control the central district area. The Tu'i Tonga at Mu'a is Fatafehi, son of Paulaho, who was twelve years old during Capt Cook visit in 1777. Fatafehi had aspired to be elected as Tu'i Kanokupolu to recoverr what his mother lost to Tuku'aho.
Tuku'aho was assassinated by Tupouniua and 'Ulukalala with the consent of Mulikiha'amea and was recorded by Vason:
. Remained with his title, however, until his death in 1812 on the official list.
were too much involved in warlords like fighting with each other to bother about an usurper without any serious rank. One of the most powerful chiefs, Takai, accepted him in 1813. But that was only one, and when Tupoutoa died in 1820 neither the Haa Ngata nor the Haa Havea had acknowledged him yet, and no one did care.
was elected in 1826 to the Tu'i Kanokupolu title and thus known in 1826 as Tupou, the title of the Tu'i Kanokupolu. He was installed on the 7th December 1827 in the Pangai at Hihifo by the Ha'a Ngata and Ha'aHavea.
Aleamotua became Christian and was baptised on the 18th January 1830 by Mr Turner a Methodist Missionary and was married to Mary Moala in a Christian ceremoniy on the same date. He died in 1845.
The origin of the Ha'a Tu'i Kanokupolu is from the Moungatonga, the 6th Tu'i Ha'a Takalaua (King). His youngest son, Ngata with Tohu'ia, a Samoan lady. Ngata was send to Hihifo, the western part of Tongatapu to become a Governor and maintain control of the western district on behalf of the other senior Ha'a Tu'i, the Tu'i Tonga and the Tu'i Ha'a Takalaua. Ngata was ecorted by his uncle Nuku and cousin Niukapu to Hihifo thus the story of the 'Ulutolu.Readers of this article should also understand that the first few Kings from the Tu'i Kanokupolu are only references from Tongan Myths and Oral History. The earliest written record that are from Capt Cook in 1777. It will be in 1797 with the arrival of the missionaries from the London Missionary Society that we will based this article on. It is important to note that any dates before 1777 would be highly unreliable.
1st Tu'i Kanokupolu Ngata
Son of Mo'ungatonga 6th Tu'i Ha'a Takalaua and Tohu'ia of Upolu, Samoa. Ngata was send as the Governor to Hihifo. Supported by his Father's family, he was escorted by the Chief Nuku and Niukapu and the Fale Ha'akili (House of Ha'akili) his mothers family. The Fale Ha'akili are the traditional Matapule of the Tu'i Kanokupolu (talking chief) and were distributed throughout Tonga to support the Tu'i Kanokupolu. Ngata married Va'etapu, daughter of 'Ahome'e, a chief of Hihifo and their children and 'Ahome'e formed the first Ha'a (clan) from the Tu'i Kanokupolu. This is the Ha'a Ngata which is also subdivided to Ha'a Ngata Motu'a (old Ha'a Ngata) who resided in Hihifo. Ngata resided in Hihifo.Chiefs of Ha'a Ngata Motu'a Clan: 'Ahio ('ulu), Ata, Ve'ehala, Kapukava, Afu, 'Ahome'e, Hafoka
2nd Tu'i Kanokupolu Atamata'ila
The son of Ngata and Kaufo'ou who resided in Hihifo. Under his leadership he reinforced his status as Governor of Hihifo and extended his influence to the central part of Tonga Tapu by marrying Tokilupe, daughter of Tu'i Ha'atu'unga and nieces of Tu'i Ha'amea who dominate the central part of Tonga Tapu. His daughter Palula was sent as a wife to the 8th Tu'i Ha'atakalaua, Vaea Tangitau.3rd Tu'i Kanokupolu, Mataeletu'apiko
The son of Atamata'ila and Tokilupe increases his influence by marriages to Papaha'amea, a daughter of the Tu'i Ha'amea of the central Tongatapu area, Fatafehi, a daughter of the 31st Tu'i Tonga Kau'ulufonuafekai and a Tamaha in the name of Tu'imala, daughter of the Tu'i Tonga Fefine. The children of Mateletu'apiko formed the second clan of the Tu'i Kanokupolu which is the Ha'a Havea. The Ha'a Havea is further divided into subclan of Ha'a Havea Lahi (Older Havea Clan) who resided in the central area of Tonga Tapu and the Ha'a Havea Si'i (Younger Havea Clan) who resided in the Vava'u Islands.Chiefs of Ha'a Havea Lahi Clan: Ma'afu ('ulu), Lavaka, Fielakepa, Fohe, Tu'ivakano, Vaea, Lasike (son 0f their sister), Mohulamu, Momotu
Chiefs of Ha'a Havea Si'i Clan: Ika, Maka, Fale'osi, Lapota
4th Tu'i Kanokupolu Mataeleha'amea
The oldest son of Mateletu'apiko and Papaha'amea daughter of the Tu'i Ha'amea fought a war with his father in law, the 8th Tui Haatakalaua Vaea to established control by the Tu'i Kanokupolu in central Tonga Tapu. This was apparently the beginning of the Tu'i Kanokupolu establishing dominant over the more senior Tu'i Ha'a Takalaua. This is also the beginning of the Tu'i Kanokupolu daughter becoming the Moheofo (Principal Wife) for the Tu'i Tonga in the person of Halaevalu and Tongotea who married the ?? Tui TongaTu'i Tonga
The Tui Tonga is a line of Tongan kings, which originated in the 10th century with the mythical Ahoeitu; withdrew from political power in the 15th century by yielding to the Tui Haatakalaua; and died out with Laufilitonga in 1865...
and ?? the ?? Tu'i Tonga
Tu'i Tonga
The Tui Tonga is a line of Tongan kings, which originated in the 10th century with the mythical Ahoeitu; withdrew from political power in the 15th century by yielding to the Tui Haatakalaua; and died out with Laufilitonga in 1865...
. This is also the beginning of the alternative names that is also used to refer to the Ha'a Tu'i Kanokupolu, Haamoheofo. This literally means: Ha'a= clans, Moheofo= Principal wife of the Tu'i Tonga, meaning the Clan that provide the Principal Wife of the King of Tonga or Tu'i Tonga. His younger son, Tuituiohu established the clan Ha'a Ngata Tupu in Vava'u which came into prominence during his son, Finau 'Ulukalala I rule of Vava'u and Ha'apai.
Chiefs of the Ha'a Ngata Tupu Clan: 'Ulukalala ('ulu), To'amotu, Tu'i'oemoana, Kapetaua, Mapakaitolo, Faka'iloatonga?
5th Tu'i Kanokupolu Vuna Tu'i 'oe Tau
Second son of Mataeletu'apiko and younger brother of the 4th Tu'i Kanokupolu Mateleha'amea. He later lost the support of the Ha'a Tu'i Kanokupolu and left to Vava'u to established his own domain. This was also thwarted by his nephew Tuituiohu, younger son of the 4th Tu'i Kanokupolu Matele Ha'amea who established the Ha'a Ngata Tupu in Vava'u.6th Tu'i Kanokupolu Ma'afu 'o Tu'i Tonga
The 1st son of the 4th Tu'i Kanokupolu Mataelehaamea and Papa Ha'amea and older brother of Tuituiohu the founder of the clan Ha'a Ngata Tupu.His children started the clan Ha'a Ma'afu which are mainly used today to referred to the grand children of the Tu'i Kanokupolu who are not bounded to another clan or Ha'a.
Chiefs from the Ha'a Ma'afu Clan:
Tupouto'a title of the Crown Prince and all Prince and Princes of the current Royal Household with no chief title or are not part of any Ha'a or Clan.
Notes: All great-grandchildren of the Tu'i Kanokupolu who are not part of other clans who generally reside in the Kolomotu'a (old settlement) and Kolofo'ou (new settlement) of Nuku'alofa
Nukualofa is the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga. It is located on the north coast of the island of Tongatapu, in the southern most island group of Tonga.-Mythological origins:...
7th Tu'i Kanokupolu Tupoulahi
The son of Maafuoutitonga. He build his Fort in Nuku'alofa. He later resigned from the Tu'i Kanokupolu for the lack of support he received from other Tu'i Kanokupolu clans.8th Tu'i Kanokupolu Maealiuaki
The brother of Tupoulahi 7th TK and son of Ma'afu 'o Tu'i Tonga. He retired at old age and became Tui Haatakalaua who resided in Mu'a. Capt Cook visit him in 1777 and he noted:We now heard, that there were other great men of the island, whom we had not as yet seen. Otago and Toobou, in particular mentioned a person named Mareewagee, who, they said, was of the first consequence in the place, and held in great veneration;
On Capt Cook visited in 1777, he wrote about Mareewagee (Maealiuaki a high chief who was old and in retirement), Feenou (Finau 'Ulukalala of Vava'u), Toobou chief of Annamouka (Tupou chief of Nomuka), Tooboueitoa king of the surrounding islands of Kottoo (Tupouto'a high chief around Kotu and the surrounding islands of Ha'apai) , Poulaho (Paulaho the Tu'i Tonga) and his son Fattafaihe (Fatafehi) who was about twelve years old at that time and lastly Toobou (most likely the Tu'i Kanokupolu of that time as they were addressed as Tupou).
While Capt Cook describe Maealiuaki as old and in retirement, he mention that Tupou was younger and going blind from eye problem. Capt Cook also mention that Maealiuaki and Tupou are brothers. It was also interesting to note that peaceful interaction between all the chiefs and the way they all pay respect to the Tu'i Tonga Paulaho and his son Fatafehi.
Feenou that Capt Cook make reference to during this visit was Finau Tuku'aho, since Capt Cook met him in Ha'apai and he seemed to be a great chief. Feenou told Captain Cook that he will leave to Vavaoo (Vava'u) to gather provision for Capt Cook. When Capt Cook informed Feenou that he will follow him to Vava'u, Feenou refused and advice Cook that there was no anchorage places in Vava'u. This showed that Fenow is the high chief and have influnce in Ha'apai and he was not please to show Cook that Vava'u has some of the best anhorage in the Pacific Ocean.
11th Tu'i Kanokupolu Mulikiha'amea
The son of Maealiuaki (8th TK and 15th TH) gave up his office and become the 16th Tu'i Ha'a Takalaua after his father. Mulikiha'amea as the 16th Tu'i Ha'atakalaua and living in Mu'a is mention during 1797 by George Vason in his writing when he was tasked to stay under Mulikiha'amea's protection. It will be later mention that during Mulikiha'amea's time as the Tu'i Ha'atakalaua, Mumui is the Tu'i Kanokupolu and the incident between Tupoumoheofo and Tuku'aho had already happen prior to the arrival of the LMS Missionaries in 1797.Ceorge Vason when he went and stayed with Mulikiha'amea descriped his household in the following manner.
The house of Mulkaamair, with whom I resided, was very spacious; its length was fifty feet. It was of an oval form. One large and lofty post was fixed in the centre; and round it, in an oval circle, were placed less posts, at equal distances, which formed the sides of the habitation. Upon these posts layers were fixed, to which rafters were fastened, that extended to the pillar in the middle, and united the whole building with it. The inside of the roof was ornamented with warm beautiful matting, which was sheltered on the outside with a skilful inter texture of the branches of the plantain tree. In rainy weather, screens of matting, called Takkabou, made of branches of the cocoa-nut-tree, were fastened to the side posts, which almost reached the eaves, and left only the door-way open, which was never closed, night nor day.
Such spacious habitations are necessary for the chiefs, whose household, in general, is large, as composed of many attendants. But there are generally small apartments contiguous to the house, in which his wives and children lodge. One of his wives, however, for the most part, slept with him in the same room, in a space, separated from the rest by inclosures of Takkabou, or matting, three feet high, fitted up to the beams, that went across to the centre post, to keep it upright.
The household of Mulkaamair was considerable. He had at different times from four to eight wives, eight sons and five daughters, besides many attendants. The children were all in great subjection to him, and of different rank and dignity, according to the rank of their respective mothers. For family dignity, in Tongataboo, descends not from the father, but the mother, owing, it is probable, to the frequency of divorce, and of illicit intercourse. "When the day declined, about seven o'clock, if they were not disposed to dance, they would retire to bed, or, more properly, to recline on their matting.
But when they had retired, the most social employment of the day took place. As they lay reclining at their ease, Mulkaamair and his numerous household, that lay round him, would commence conversations, that amused them till they all fell asleep.
I have been delighted, for hours, in listening to these nocturnal confabulations, and often very much surprised and improved, by the shrewdness of their observations, and the good sense of their reasonings. When they were all lain down, the chief would say, “Tou tellanoa”. “Let us have some conversation." Another would answer, “Tou Tellanoa gee aha,” i. e. " What shall we talk about." A third would reply, " Tou Tellanoa ge papa langee." " Let us talk of the men of the sky." They called us " the men of the sky," because, observing that the sky appeared to touch the ocean, in the distant horizon, and knowing that we came from an immense distance, they concluded that we must have come through the sky to arrive at Tongataboo.
I have heard them for hours talking of us, our articles, dress, and customs, and entertaining each other with conjectures respecting the distance of the country, whence we came, the nature of it, its productions, &c, &c.
Their patriarchal mode of life, in which the younger and inferior part always surround the chief, as the father of one large family, is calculated much to refine and improve their mental faculties, and to polish their language and behaviour.
The social intercourse and the ceremonious carriage, which were constantly kept up in the families of the chiefs, produced a refinement of ideas, a polish of language and expression, and an elegant gracefulness of manner, in a degree, as superior and distinct from those of the lower and laborious classes, as the man of letters, or the polished courtier differs from the clown. The lower orders used terms of a much meaner and coarser import: the higher orders were so much refined, as often, for amusement, to take off the vulgar by imitating their expressions and pronunciations. The family of Duatonga, if they spoke to any of the domestics, or visitors, would always be answered, " Ahee," " Yes Sire", but most others were answered with, " Cohou", Yes Sir; this latter term, if pronounced as it is spelt, would be a polite reply, but if spoken as if it was spelt Cohaa, it would be very vulgar, and signify our broad expression " What", and if spoken to a chief, the man would be struck down for his rudeness.
Their nocturnal conversations would continue till ten or eleven in the evening, till they all fell asleep. Their conversation and comparisons were sometimes so very droll and ludicrous, that I occasionally burst out into a fit of laughter which would make them say " Coe Kata gee aha Balo" What are you laughing at Balo ? " Mannogge abai eyette ge mou touloo." '" He is making game of us I suppose". They called me by the name of Balo.
If one chanced, during the night, to awake, he would renew the conversation with some neighbour that might happen to rouse, and then they would call to each other till they all awaked, and enjoy another hour's chat.
12th Tu'i Kanokupolu TupoumoheofoTupoumoheofoTupoumoheofo was 12th Tu'i Kanokupolu of Tonga, and the only female to ever hold that title. She was the principal wife to the Tu'i Tonga though she may have been of higher social rank than him because of her matrilineal descent...
The daughter of Tupoulahi and principal wife of the Tui Tonga Paulaho, thus the name Tupou Moheofo (Tupou the principal wife of the Tu'i Tonga). Her cousin Tukuaho was very angry when he heard about it, he came back from his residence on Eua'Eua
Eua is a smaller but still major island in the kingdom of Tonga. It is close to Tongatapu, but forms a separate administrative division. It has an area of 87.44 km2, and a population in 2006 of 5,165 people.- Geography :...
and cursed in her face: pali fie ule (vagina wanting to be penis)and she was defeated by Tuku'aho. Tuku'aho installed his father Mumui, the son of the 6th Tu'i Kanokupolu, Ma'afu 'o Tu'i Tonga, as the 13th Tu'i Kanokupolu.
George Vason wrote about the incident between Tupoumoheofo and Tuku'aho in 1797 and mention that Mumui is the Tu'i Kanokupolu. This indicate that the incident already happen a few years before since Mumui was already King.
Amongst our visitors was Duatonga (Tu'i Tonga), or Futtafaihe (Fatafehi), who, next to Dugonagaboola (Tu'i Kanokupolu), was the most powerful chief in the Island. He was son of Poulaho, a descendant of those, who were supposed originally to have descended from the sky. When Captain Cook was at Tongataboo, this native was eleven years of age. After the death of his Father, which happened when he was too young to have any share in the government, his Mother lost the sovereignty. Toogahowe (Tuku'aho), or Dugonagaboola (later Tu'i Kanokupolu), who was a great warrior, wrested it from her, and then invested his Father Moomooe (Mumui) with it, who was the reigning chief, when we landed.
13th Tu'i Kanokupolu Mumui
Mumui is the son of the 6th Tu'i Kanokupolu, Ma'afu 'o Tu'i Tonga and younger half-brother of the 7th Tu'i Kanokupolu, Tupoulahi and the 8th Tu'i Kanokupolu later the 15th Tu'i Ha'a Takalaua, Maealiuaki. His son Tuku'aho forcefully took the Tu'i Kanokupolu from his aunt Tupoumoheofo and installed his father Mumui as the 13th Tu'i Kanokupolu.Mumui was the first Tu'i Kanokupolu mention in writing by the arrival of George VAson and the LMS missionaries in 1797. Vason recorded Mumui's visit to the missionaries as:
“The venerable Moomooe (Mumui), the principal Chief, or Dugonagaboola (Tu'i Kanokupolu) of the Island, soon arrived himself, and confirmed the message which Ambler had brought. Our interview with him and the rest of the natives, gave us a very pleasing impression of their disposition and manners.
He made us a friendly offer of a habitation and land, at Aheefo (Hihifo), seventeen miles distant from the place of anchorage, near the residence of Toogahowe (Tuku'aho), a principal Chief; that we might be under his protection. This Toogahowe (Tuku'aho) was the son of Moomooe (Mumui), and Nephew of Feenou Toogahowe (Finau Tuku'aho), who was the friend of Captain Cook, and reigned over Eooa 'Eua), when that celebrated Navigator landed on this Island. By a course of warlike exploits, in which his power over the other chiefs was confirmed, he became the Dugonagaboola (Tu'i Kanokupolu), or principal chief of Tongataboo.”
The death of Mumui was also recorded by Vason in his writing that it was not long after their arrival, and the missionaries were all under Tuku'aho's protection as designated by his father Mumui, the Tu'i Kanokupolu Mumui passed away.
Soon after this, Moomooe, the reigning chief, died. His disorder and danger excited great concern through the Island, and one of his own sons was slain, through a delusive hope that his health and strength would be communicated to his dying Father.
But it is beyond the power of description, to paint the dreadful scene of horror and bloodshed, which took place at his funeral, and continued to be acted round his tomb, for weeks after. Two of his wives were strangled at the Fiatooka, or burying place, at the time his body was deposited there. The Fiatooka was a large inclosed space with a lofty funeral pile in the middle, of a pyramidical form, round which, the bodies of the Chiefs had been laid for ages past, in a solemn range of rude dignity. The space round the tomb was on this occasion a palaestra for savage gladiators. Hundreds ran about it, with ferocious emulation, to signalize their grief for the venerated chief, or their contempt of pain and death, by inflicting on themselves the most ghastly wounds, and exhibiting spectacles of the greatest horror. Thousands, ere the period of mourning wasi over, fought with each other, and cut themselves with sharp instruments, to testify by bloody scars, their sorrow for their beloved Moomooe.
It was an awful scene indeed! Night after night, we heard for some weeks, the horrid sound of the conch-shell, rousing these deluded creatures to these dreadful rites of mourning for the dead ; and shrieks, and clashing arms, and the rushing and violence of the multitude, re-echoed round our abode; and rendered it a scene of continual horror and alarm.
At length these shocking ceremonies ceased, and all the chiefs assembled for the purpose of electing a supreme.
14th Tu'i Kanokupolu Tuku'ahoTuku'ahoTuku’aho was the 14th Tu’I Kanokupolu of Tonga, reigning approximately from 1793 to 1799. He was considered the “strong man” of the Tupou family despite coming from a lower lineage, and he used his power to depose the 12th Tu’I Kanokupolu, Tupoumoheofo, who was of the higher line...
The son of 13th Tu'i Kanokupolu Mumui whom was said to be a fierced warrior and respected leader. George Vason wrote that after Tuku'aho's father's funeral and his election to be the 14th Tu'i Kanokupolu.Toogahowe, who by his superior prowess in the field, had awed the neighbouring Islands as well as Tongataboo, and had placed his Father Moomooe (Mumui) in the post of distinction, had, ever since, strengthened his power with the chiefs by making them his companions and friends. in the post of distinction, had, ever since, strengthened his power with the chiefs by making them his companions and friends. No sooner therefore were they met, in public assembly, than one stepped forth from the circle, and proclaimed, "Do bou Toogahowe Dugonagaboola fy talliaba gee ma toolou." i. e. Toogahowe shall be the chief, and we will do as we please ; upon which he was unanimously elected, as none dare to oppose him.
Futtafaihe had entertained the hope of regaining-, by the vote of this general assembly, the family authority, which his Mother had lost: but as Toogahowe was elected the Dugonagaboola, by the voice of the chiefs, he thought it best quietly to acquiesce in their decision.
We soon became intimate with many of the chiefs ; and in separate parties, often joined them in distant excursions, and were treated with the best of every thing which the Island afforded.
The above translation for the proclamation was the original translation by Vason, however, the translation could be more exact as "Tupou Tuku'aho Tu'i Kanokupolu fa'iteliha kiamautolu" or in English, 'Tupou Tuku'aho do as you please of us". The editors translation is based on the use of "gee ma toolou " as in "kimautolu" and not "pe mautolu".
The LMS Missionaries who all stayed under the protection of Tuku'aho in Hihifo were then divided up into the district and their chiefs. This events help to record who was all the great chiefs in Tonga during this time in Tonga.
Upon this point, a deputation was sent to consult our old chief Toogahowe, who was now Dugonagaboola, under whose protection we lived, who was of chief authority in the Island. The plan receiving his approbation, we took leave of each other. Two went to live with Vahargee, at Ardeo, one with Moolee, in the district of Ahogge; an inferior chief, but an industrious man, and possessed of a considerable tract of fertile land. 1 went alone to live with one Mulkaamair, the first chief in the Island, next to Dugonagaboola. Two went to live with Duatonga, at Mooa, and three remained at Aheefo.
The quote above stated that the plan to divided up the missionaries were approved by Tuku'aho the Tu'i Knaokupolu who protected the missionaries in Hihifo. The division were: two missionaries stayed with Vaha'i in Ha'ateiho, one went to an inferior chief named Muli in Hahake, one went to Mulikiha'amea the second highest chief in Tonga, two went to the Tu'i Tonga at Mu'a and the three remaining stayed in Hihifo with the Tu'i Kanokupolu.
The interesting part in the view recorded by the Missionaries that the Tu'i Kanokupolu Tuku'aho seemed to be the most powerful but not necessary the highest, then Mulikiha'amea the second chief of Tonga Tapu who is recorded as the 11th Tu'i Kanokupolu who gave up and took the Tu'i Ha'atakalaua title at this stage. The chief Vaha'i who was renounce later during the civil war is also recorded to be in Ha'ateiho and likely to control the central district area. The Tu'i Tonga at Mu'a is Fatafehi, son of Paulaho, who was twelve years old during Capt Cook visit in 1777. Fatafehi had aspired to be elected as Tu'i Kanokupolu to recoverr what his mother lost to Tuku'aho.
Tuku'aho was assassinated by Tupouniua and 'Ulukalala with the consent of Mulikiha'amea and was recorded by Vason:
15th Tu'i Kanokupolu Ma'afu-'o-limuloa
was pushed by the Haa Havea (a chiefly branch belonging to the dynasty of the Tui Kanokupolu), and was bestowed with the title and was murdered the same night by the Haa Ngata (another, senior chiefly branch), who had supported Tukuaho.16th Tu'i Kanokupolu Tupou Malohi
was appointed after a long interregnum in 1808, when finally the quarreling chiefs put their differences aside to forestall the ambitions of Tupoutoa. But Tupoumālohi was weak, not able to withstand the quarreling chiefs, resigned a year later, and went to HaapaiHa'apai
Haapai is a group of islands, islets, reefs and shoals in the central part of the Kingdom of Tonga, with the Tongatapu group to the south and the Vavau group to the north. Seventeen of the Haapai islands are populated....
. Remained with his title, however, until his death in 1812 on the official list.
17th Tu'i Kanokupolu Tupouto'a
son of Tukuaho, but associated with his assassins; claimed himself to be the Tui Kanokupolu, however, was not officially recognised; but then also not officially denounced; the chiefs of TongatapuTongatapu
Tongatapu is the main island of the Kingdom of Tonga and the location of its capital Nukualofa. It is located in Tonga's southern island group, to which it gives its name, and is the country's most populous island, with approximately 71,260 residents , 70.5% of the national population...
were too much involved in warlords like fighting with each other to bother about an usurper without any serious rank. One of the most powerful chiefs, Takai, accepted him in 1813. But that was only one, and when Tupoutoa died in 1820 neither the Haa Ngata nor the Haa Havea had acknowledged him yet, and no one did care.
18th Tu'i Kanokupolu Aleamotu'a baptised as Josiah Tupou
The son of Mumui 13th Tu'i Kanokupolu and brother of Tukuaho 14th Tu'i Kanokupolu. Aleamotu'aAleamotu'a
was elected in 1826 to the Tu'i Kanokupolu title and thus known in 1826 as Tupou, the title of the Tu'i Kanokupolu. He was installed on the 7th December 1827 in the Pangai at Hihifo by the Ha'a Ngata and Ha'aHavea.
Aleamotua became Christian and was baptised on the 18th January 1830 by Mr Turner a Methodist Missionary and was married to Mary Moala in a Christian ceremoniy on the same date. He died in 1845.