Turibius of Liébana
Saint Turibius of Liébana (fl.
Floruit , abbreviated fl. , is a Latin verb meaning "flourished", denoting the period of time during which something was active...

Circa , usually abbreviated c. or ca. , means "approximately" in the English language, usually referring to a date...

530), also known as Turbius the Monk (Turibius Monachus, Toribio el Monje), was an early Benedictine monk. He was born probably in Turieno and spent most of his life in the region of Liébana
Liébana is a comarca of Cantabria .It covers 570 square kilometers and is located in the southwest of Cantabria, bordering Asturias, León and Palencia...

. He received a letter full of praise from Bishop Montanus of Toledo in 527. In his preaching he condemned as heresy the Priscillianism
Priscillianism is a Christian doctrine developed in the Iberian Peninsula in the 4th century by Priscillian, derived from the Gnostic-Manichaean doctrines taught by Marcus, an Egyptian from Memphis, and later considered a heresy by the Orthodox Church.-History:Priscillian was described as "a man...

 still rampant in Spain. Around the middle of the century he and five companions took up the Benedictine habit and founded the monastery of Liébana
Santo Toribio de Liébana
The Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana is a Roman Catholic monastery located in the district of Liébana, near Potes in Cantabria, Spain. Located in the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain, the monastery is one of the five places of Christianity that, together with Rome, Jerusalem, Santiago de...

, either the second or third oldest Benedictine establishment in Spain, dedicating it to Martin of Tours
Martin of Tours
Martin of Tours was a Bishop of Tours whose shrine became a famous stopping-point for pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Around his name much legendary material accrued, and he has become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints...


Turibius of Liébana has been conflated with Turibius of Astorga
Turibius of Astorga
Saint Turibius of Astorga was an archdeacon of Tuy and an early Bishop of Astorga. Turibius was a zealous maintainer of ecclesiastical discipline, and defender of the Nicene Christianity against the Galician heresy of Priscillianism, for which he received a supportive letter from Leo the Great,...

 (died 460), also a saint, whose bones came to rest in the monastery the former Turibius had founded and where he also was buried.

According to the Chronicon attributed to Hauberto, a Benedictine Mozarab
The Mozarabs were Iberian Christians who lived under Arab Islamic rule in Al-Andalus. Their descendants remained unconverted to Islam, but did however adopt elements of Arabic language and culture...

 of the reign of Alfonso III of Asturias, but actually a forgery by Antonio Lupian Zapata, Turibius became Bishop of Palencia in 533. He was also said to have translated
Translation (relics)
In Christianity, the translation of relics is the removal of holy objects from one locality to another ; usually only the movement of the remains of the saint's body would be treated so formally, with secondary relics such as items of clothing treated with less ceremony...

 the body of Antoninus of Pamiers
Antoninus of Pamiers
Saint Antoninus of Pamiers was an early Christian missionary and martyr, called the "Apostle of the Rouergue". His life is dated to the first, second, fourth, and fifth century by various sources, since he often confused with various other venerated Antonini. Today he is revered as the patron...

 to the Cathedral of Palencia, thereafter named in his honour.
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