Ulla-Førre is a hydropower
Hydropower, hydraulic power, hydrokinetic power or water power is power that is derived from the force or energy of falling water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. Since ancient times, hydropower has been used for irrigation and the operation of various mechanical devices, such as...

 complex in Suldal
Suldal is a municipality in the northeast of Rogaland county, Norway located in the Ryfylke historically traditional district. Sand i Ryfylke is a the administrative center of Suldal....

, Hjelmeland
is a municipality in Rogaland county, Norway. Hjelmeland was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 . Two other municipalities were later separated from it: Årdal and Fister , but these were both again merged with Hjelmeland on 1 January 1965.Hjelmeland is known for their fruit and fish...

 and Bykle
Bykle is a municipality in Aust-Agder county, Norway. It is located in the traditional region of Setesdal. The administrative center is the village of Bykle in the southern part of the municipality. Another village nearby is Nordbygdi...

 in Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...

. It has an installed effect of approximately 2100 MW, and the annual average production is 4,45 TWh (1987-2006). The complex includes the artificial lake Blåsjø
Blåsjø is the tenth largest lake in Norway by area. It is located in the municipality of Bykle in Aust-Agder county and the municipalities of Hjelmeland and Suldal in Rogaland county. The lake is about west of the village of Bykle. It has a surface area of...

, which is made by dams around 1000 meters above the sea level. The power stations in the complex are Saurdal, Kvilldal, Hylen and Stølsdal.
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