University of Toledo's University College
The University of Toledo's University College is undergraduate college
Undergraduate education
Undergraduate education is an education level taken prior to gaining a first degree . Hence, in many subjects in many educational systems, undergraduate education is post-secondary education up to the level of a bachelor's degree, such as in the United States, where a university entry level is...


University College consists of three divisions designed and organized to address the University’s
University of Toledo
The University of Toledo is a public university in Toledo, Ohio, United States. The Carnegie Foundation classified the university as "Doctoral/Research Extensive."-National recognition:...

 goals of delivering quality degree and special programs, learner support services and academic outreach services.

University College provides unique options for all types of students: new students who are undecided about a major or career path; adult students
Adult education
Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults. Adult education takes place in the workplace, through 'extension' school or 'school of continuing education' . Other learning places include folk high schools, community colleges, and lifelong learning centers...

with busy schedules; returning students looking to finish their degree; students who want to build his/her own program of study; and people looking to acquire marketable skills to quickly prepare them for the workforce or enhance their job skills.
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