Vincent N. Parrillo
Vincent N. Parrillo is a professor of sociology at William Paterson University
William Paterson University
William Paterson University is a comprehensive public institution located in Wayne, New Jersey serving nearly 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students through five colleges: , , , , and ....

. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Liège
University of Liège
The University of Liège , in Liège, Wallonia, Belgium, is a major public university in the French Community of Belgium. Its official language is French.-History:...

, Belgium (2010), the University of Pisa
University of Pisa
The University of Pisa , located in Pisa, Tuscany, is one of the oldest universities in Italy. It was formally founded on September 3, 1343 by an edict of Pope Clement VI, although there had been lectures on law in Pisa since the 11th century...

, Italy (2006 and 1998), and Roehampton University
Roehampton University
The University of Roehampton is a campus university in the United Kingdom, situated on three major sites in Roehampton, south-west London.-History:...

, London (2005). As a Fulbright scholar in the Czech Republic
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is bordered by Poland to the northeast, Slovakia to the east, Austria to the south, and Germany to the west and northwest....

 in 2000, he lectured at Charles University (Prague) and Palacký University (Olomouc).

He is the executive producer and writer of two award- winning PBS television documentaries: Smokestacks and Steeples: A Portrait of Paterson (1992) and Ellis Island: Gateway to America (1991). He is the author of eight books, editor of three others, and General Editor of the two-volume, multidisciplinary Encyclopedia of Social Problems (Sage, 2008). His scholarly articles and essays have appeared in such journals as Social Science Journal, Sociological Forum, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, and Small Group Behavior, and his various writings have been published in one of eight languages (Chinese, Czech, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, and Romanian). He served as Vice President of the Eastern Sociological Society
Eastern Sociological Society
Eastern Sociological Society is a non-profit organization with a mission of "promoting excellence in sociological scholarship and instruction." It publishes a peer-reviewed journal and holds a yearly academic conference, the Annual Meeting of Eastern Sociological Society....

 in 2008-2009, and was honored as its Robin M. Williams, Jr. Distinguished Lecturer for 2005-2006.

Prof. Parrillo coined the term Dillingham Flaw
Dillingham Flaw
The Dillingham Flaw is a term coined by U.S. sociologist Vincent N. Parrillo to identify a centuries-old phenomenon of faulty logic when nativists misinterpret and react negatively to the presence of immigrants in their midst....

, which refers to inaccurate comparisons of immigrants—whether in the past, present, or future—that are based on simplistic categorizations and anachronistic observations. He is also the principal investigator and senior author of the largest national study ever conducted on social distance.

Prof. Parrillo has gone on numerous assignments for the State Department's former U.S. Information Agency (USIA) and current Bureau of International Information Programs
Bureau of International Information Programs
The US Department of State's Bureau of International Information Programs describes itself as follows:Among other things, IIP operates the website to deliver "information about current U.S. foreign policy and about American life and culture."...

 (IIP) to give public lectures and to confer with national leaders in Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, and Sweden on issues relating to immigration and intergroup tensions. He has conducted numerous diversity training sessions for various corporations and for NCOs and senior army officers at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute is a U.S. Department of Defense joint services school located at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, offering both resident and off-site courses in areas including equal opportunity, intercultural communication, and religious, racial, gender, and...

 (DEOMI) at Patrick Air Force Base (Florida) and at various military bases.

An invited lecturer to dozens of universities in Asia, Canada, Europe, and the United States in recent years, he has also been the keynote speaker at international conferences in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Korea, Poland, and Romania. In October 2001, his keynote speech, "The Challenge for Educators", given at a U.S. bilingual educators conference, was published in Vital Speeches of the Day
Vital Speeches of the Day
Vital Speeches of the Day is a monthly magazine that presents speeches and addresses in full.-Overview:Vital Speeches was established in New York in 1934 by Thomas Daly — whose grandson Thomas Daly III moved publication to South Carolina in 1986 — and is published by McMurry, Inc...


In 2003, he directed a cast of Broadway professionals (including several Tony Award
Tony Award
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway...

nominees) in a staged reading of the rock opera Hamlet (he is co-lyricist) at the Lamb's Theatre in New York City. In 2005 he co-produced its world premiere in Prague. In October 2007, the show premiered in Seoul to rave reviews and enthusiastic audience responses.

In 2011, he published a novel about Ellis Island in the 1890s and the people who work there, called Guardians of the Gate.

External links

Smokestacks and Steeples: A Portrait of Paterson

Ellis Island: Gateway to America
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