We'Moon: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn is an astrological and lunar calendar datebook, featuring art and writing submitted by, for and about women. "Wemoon" means "women," "we of the moon." The datebook was founded in 1981 and is published annually in Oregon, USA, by Mother Tongue Ink (d.b.a. We’Moon Company). We'Moon is a publication focused on “helping women make their daily lives sacred and align themselves with Earth and Moon rhythms.”


We'Moon was inspired by the women’s liberation and emerging people's movements of the 1960s and 1970s, and came to fruition in the 1980s as a vehicle for the creative expression of women's empowerment and earth-based spirituality. The idea of a special calendar for women—based on lunar, solar and astrological cycles—originated at Kvindelandet, an international women’s land in Denmark where 50–60 lesbians from different countries lived together in the late 1970s. The first We'Moon was self-published in France in 1981 under the name of Mother Tongue Ink, as a pocket-sized astrological moon calendar diary, handwritten in five languages. The first five editions were pocket-sized, homemade, and continually evolving in format, design and technology, changing languages every year. During these years, the datebook was created by groups of volunteers in various locations in Europe.

We'Moon '87 was the first edition created in the U.S., where production has remained. Mother Tongue Ink, d.b.a. We’Moon Company, was incorporated in 1995. In 2009, Mother Tongue Ink published a children’s book, The Last Wild Witch, by Starhawk
Starhawk is an American writer and activist. She is well known as a theorist of Paganism, and is one of the foremost popular voices of ecofeminism. She is a columnist for Beliefnet.com and On Faith, the Newsweek/Washington Post online forum on religion...

, illustrated by Lindy Kehoe. In the Spirit of We’Moon – Celebrating 30 years – An Anthology of We’Moon Art and Writing, was released in 2011. In the Spirit of We'Moon is "an anthology of writing and art originally published in the annual publication We'Moon, with commentary and other new material."


We'Moon sends out an annual Call for Contributions to women internationally, and publishes approximately 250 pieces of original art and writing in each year’s datebook. We'Moon’s thematic focus includes feminism, goddess and earth-based spirituality, world community, environmentalism, peace and justice. The datebook includes articles by astrologers Gretchen Lawlor, Heather Roan Robbins, Susan Levitt
Susan Levitt
Susan Levitt is a Chinese San Francisco astrologer and tarot card reader. Her publications include Taoist Astrology and The Complete Tarot Kit.-References:...

 and Sandra Pastorius. Lunar phase and astrological aspect data are listed for each date.

Over the years, We'Moon has published work by thousands of contributing women, including writings by Joanna Macy
Joanna Macy
Joanna Rogers Macy, Ph.D , is an environmental activist, author, scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology.-Biography:...

, Starhawk
Starhawk is an American writer and activist. She is well known as a theorist of Paganism, and is one of the foremost popular voices of ecofeminism. She is a columnist for Beliefnet.com and On Faith, the Newsweek/Washington Post online forum on religion...

, Susun Weed
Susun Weed
Susun Weed is an American herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center located near Woodstock in New York State. She is known for her writing and teaching of what she describes as the "Wise Woman Way" of herbalism. Ms. Weed is the author of the Wise Woman Herbal Series. She believes...

, Winona LaDuke
Winona LaDuke
Winona LaDuke is a Native American activist, environmentalist, economist, and writer. In 1996 and 2000, she ran for vice president as the nominee of the United States Green Party, on a ticket headed by Ralph Nader. In the 2004 election, however, she endorsed one of Nader's opponents, Democratic...

, Carolyn Gage
Carolyn Gage
Carolyn Gage is an American playwright, actor and theatrical director. She is also an activist on lesbian and feminist issues. Gage was a Guest Lecturer at Bates College in 1998-99...

, Myshkin
Myshkin (singer)
Myshkin is an American singer-songwriter. She sings and plays acoustic guitar solo, in cooperation with other artists, and with her band Myshkin's Ruby Warblers. She is a native of Indiana where she was born to a recent immigrant family. After college she moved to New Mexico, and later to New York,...

, Vicki Noble
Vicki Noble
Vicki Noble is a feminist shamanic healer, author, scholar and wisdom teacher. Originally from Iowa, she arrived in Berkeley, California in 1976. In the 1970s she created, graduated with honors from, and subsequently taught in, the first women's interdisciplinary studies program at Colorado College...

, Donna Henes
Donna Henes
Donna Henes is a ceremonial artist, urban shaman, ritual expert and consultant, speaker, workshop leader and award-winning writer.Henes is originally from Cleveland, Ohio.-Biography:...

, Alice Walker
Alice Walker
Alice Malsenior Walker is an American author, poet, and activist. She has written both fiction and essays about race and gender...

, and founding editor Musawa, and art by Monica Sjoo
Monica Sjöö
Monica Sjöö, , was a Swedish painter, writer and a radical anarcho/eco-feminist who was influential in the Goddess movement. She first came to Britain in the late 1950th and eventually settled in Bristol where she lived for many years, before she died of cancer...

, Tee Corinne
Tee Corinne
Tee Corine was a lesbian visual artist notable for the portrayal of sexuality in her artwork.-Early life and education:Corinne was born and grew up in Florida. Her mother introduced her to principles and techniques for making visual art...

, Meinrad Craighead, Toni Truesdale, Betty LaDuke, Sandra Stanton, Leah Dorion, Max Dashu, Sudie Rakusin and Hrana Janto.
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