Weightlifting at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics – Boys' 85 kg
The boys' 85kg weightlifting event was the fifth men's event at the weightlifting competition at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics
2010 Summer Youth Olympics
The 2010 Summer Youth Olympics, officially known as the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games , were an international multi-sport event for youths that took place in the city-state of Singapore from 14 to 26 August 2010, in the XXIX Olympiad. They were the inaugural Summer Youth Olympics, a major...

, with competitors up to85kg. The whole competition took place on August 18 at 18:00.

Each lifter performed in both the snatch
Snatch (weightlifting)
The snatch is one of the two olympic weightlifting events .The essence of the event is to lift a barbell from the platform to locked arms overhead in a smooth continuous movement. The barbell is pulled as high as the lifter can manage at which point the barbell is flipped overhead...

 and clean and jerk
Clean and jerk
The clean and jerk is one of the two Olympic weightlifting events .The clean portion of the lift refers to the lifter explosively pulling the weight from the floor to a racked position across deltoids and clavicles...

 lifts, with the final score being the sum of the lifter's best result in each. The athlete received three attempts in each of the two lifts; the score for the lift was the heaviest weight successfully lifted.


335 kg
334 kg
320 kg


Rank Name Group Body Weight Snatch (kg) Clean & Jerk (kg) Total (kg)
1 2 3 Res 1 2 3 Res
A 84.34 142 148 152 152 175 180 183 183 335
A 81.32 150 150 154 154 175 180 180> 180 334
A 84.68 140 140 145 145 170 175 191 175 320
4 A 83.88 130 137 141 137 160 170 176 170 307
5 A 84.28 125 125 130 130 152 166 166 152 282
6 A 84.53 120 125 126 120 151 155 161 155 275
7 A 83.37 90 95 100 95 110 115 120 115 210
8 A 79.39 80 85 90 90 100 107 110 110 200
9 A 84.30 81 86 91 91 95 105 108 108 199
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