Wilbur H. Ferry
Wilbur H. Ferry was an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 activist and philanthropist
A philanthropist is someone who engages in philanthropy; that is, someone who donates his or her time, money, and/or reputation to charitable causes...

. He was born in Detroit on December 17, 1910. He attended the University of Detroit High School where he was a star football player. After high school, Ferry went on to Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College is a private, Ivy League university in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States. The institution comprises a liberal arts college, Dartmouth Medical School, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business, as well as 19 graduate programs in the arts and sciences...

, earning his A.B degree in 1932. He worked as an instructor at the Choate School from 1932-1933. Next, he entered the profession of journalism, which he worked at from 1933–1935 and from 1937-1941.

Ferry married his first wife, Jolyne Marie Gillier in 1937. He served as Director of Public Relations for the CIO: Political Action Committee in 1944. From 1954-1969 Ferry was Vice President of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, California was an important think tank from 1959 to 1977, declining in influence thereafter. The Center held discussions in a variety of areas that it hoped would influence public deliberation...

. The two were divorced 35 years later in 1972, which was a year before Wilbur Ferry met his second wife, Carol Bernstein. Immediately after marrying, the two started playing an active role in human rights, political causes, prevention of environmental problems, and the overall struggles of places such as Africa. Ferry organized the exploratory project on Conditions for Peace in 1974. The work with Africa began in 1976 and didn’t end until 1987 when he organized the Citizens for Peace Treaty.

In 1968, he signed the “Writers and Editors War Tax Protest” pledge, vowing to refuse tax payments in protest against the Vietnam War. During his politically active years, he was noted for his outspoken position against the death penalty. Wilbur H. Ferry died on September 30, 1995 at the age of 84,.

He was often criticised for his work, and in the Philanthropy Roundtable
Philanthropy Roundtable
The Philanthropy Roundtable is a private, non-partisan, 501 organization. Its stated mission is "to foster excellence in philanthropy, to protect philanthropic freedom, to assist donors in achieving their philanthropic intent, and to help donors advance liberty, opportunity, and personal...

, an article about Ferry stated that: "If you were in trouble with the law in the 1970s and 1980s, knew who Ferry was, and told him you were a political prisoner, he would provide bail".

DJB Foundation

Funded with money left over from Carol Bernstein Ferry's first marriage, the DJB Foundation
DJB Foundation
The DJB Foundation, a progressive social change philanthropy, was founded in 1948 by Daniel J. Bernstein . With his death in 1970 almost five-million dollars came to the foundation. Its most active period began in 1971 when the Board of Directors decided that all assets would be given away within...

 was the start of the Ferrys' contributions to many small groups and different causes all around the nation. Among the main recipients were philanthropy groups dedicated to human rights, economic recovery, and the anti-war effort. The Ferrys gave out smaller sums of money than many other organizations did because they believed that giving out huge amounts could “corrupt and distort” an organization’s goals. Many causes received two hundred dollars or less.

The Ferrys set out with the goal of donating all their six million dollars withinf ten years, though they met the goal in about four and a half years. Mrs. Ferry explained that giving all the money away made sense to her because “they could know the needs of the present, but not of the future.” Some of the larger efforts supported by the DJB included the Inter-Religious Foundation for Community Organization, the Youth Project, and San Francisco’s Young Adult Projects. Among the political action groups they supported were the American Civil Liberties Union
American Civil Liberties Union
The American Civil Liberties Union is a U.S. non-profit organization whose stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States." It works through litigation, legislation, and...

, and the Center for Constitutional Rights
Center for Constitutional Rights
Al Odah v. United States:Al Odah is the latest in a series of habeas corpus petitions on behalf of people imprisoned at the Guantanamo Bay detention center. The case challenges the Military Commissions system’s suitability as a habeas corpus substitute and the legality, in general, of detention at...

. Among the environmental groups were the Africa Fund (a non-profit organization which gives finance and expertise to “sustainable development projects” in East Africa.

External links

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