Women's Prison
Women's Prison may refer to:
  • A prison
    A prison is a place in which people are physically confined and, usually, deprived of a range of personal freedoms. Imprisonment or incarceration is a legal penalty that may be imposed by the state for the commission of a crime...

     for women.

  • Women's Prison (1955 film)
    Women's Prison (1955 film)
    Women's Prison is a 1955 film prison noir directed by Lewis Seiler and starring Ida Lupino, Jan Sterling and Cleo Moore. The movie was released through Columbia Pictures.-Cast:*Ida Lupino as Amelia van Zandt*Jan Sterling as Brenda Martin...

    , 1955 film with Ida Lupino and Cleo Moore
  • Women's Prison (1988 film), 1988 film from Hong Kong
  • Women's Prison (2002 film), 2002 film from Iran
  • Women's Prison, song from Loretta Lynn's Van Lear Rose
    Van Lear Rose
    -Personnel:*Loretta Lynn - vocals, guitar*Dave Feeny - pedal guitar, steel guitar, dobro, percussion, background vocals*Patrick Keeler - drums, percussion, background vocals*Jack Lawrence - bass, percussion, background vocals...

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