World's smartest garbageman
The world's smartest garbageman is a fictional character in Scott Adams
Scott Adams
Scott Raymond Adams is the American creator of the Dilbert comic strip and the author of several nonfiction works of satire, commentary, business, and general speculation....

's Dilbert
Dilbert is an American comic strip written and drawn by Scott Adams. First published on April 16, 1989, Dilbert is known for its satirical office humor about a white-collar, micromanaged office featuring the engineer Dilbert as the title character...

comic strip. He is Dilbert's garbageman and a mysterious philosopher
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational...

 and scientist
A scientist in a broad sense is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method. The person may be an expert in one or more areas of science. This article focuses on the more restricted use of the word...

. He occasionally solves extremely complex problems for Dilbert and has several inventions, including a weather control device, a phaser, and an anti-stupidity gun. He also goes through Dilbert's trash on occasion, and once completed a robot that Dilbert had thrown out. In the TV show, it is revealed that he is the only garbageman for the whole city, and is able to collect for all houses through teleportation.
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