Àngels Ribé
Àngels Ribé is considered one of the most important Catalan
Catalan people
The Catalans or Catalonians are the people from, or with origins in, Catalonia that form a historical nationality in Spain. The inhabitants of the adjacent portion of southern France are sometimes included in this definition...

 conceptual artists of the 70s. With a strong international presence, she worked alongside such artists as Vito Acconci
Vito Acconci
Vito Hannibal Acconci is a Bronx, New York-born, Brooklyn-based designer, landscape architect, performance and installation artist.-Education:...

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Laurie Anderson
Laura Phillips "Laurie" Anderson is an American experimental performance artist, composer and musician who plays violin and keyboards and sings in a variety of experimental music and art rock styles. Initially trained as a sculptor, Anderson did her first performance-art piece in the late 1960s...

, Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark was an American artist best known for his site-specific artworks he made in the 1970s. He is famous for his "building cuts," a series of works in abandoned buildings in which he variously removed sections of floors, ceilings, and walls.-Life and work:Both of Gordon Matta-Clark's...

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Lawrence Weiner was a central figure in the formation of conceptual art in the 1960s His work often takes the form of typographic texts.- Life and career :...

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Hannah Wilke was an American painter, sculptor, photographer, video artist and performance artist.-Biography:...

, Martha Wilson
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Martha Wilson is a Philadelphia feminist performance artist. She is the founding director of Franklin Furnace. Over the past four decades she has developed and "created innovative photographic and video works that explore her female subjectivity through role-playing, costume transformation, and...

, Francesc Torres, and Krzysztof Wodiczko
Krzysztof Wodiczko
Krzysztof Wodiczko, born April 16th 1943, is an artist renowned for his large-scale slide and video projections on architectural facades and monuments...

, among others.


Ribé moved from Barcelona to Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

 in 1966, and in 1969 began creating sculpture and installations, later actions and performances, working primarily with space and the body.

In 1972 Ribé moved to the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

, where she lived and worked for several months in Chicago before settling in New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

. She returned to Barcelona in 1980.


Ribe's work, contextualized in the conceptual art of the late 60s and 70s, utilized nontraditional material, which she gradually discarded to concentrate on the ephemeral--light and shadow--and the location of the body in space. In Catalonia, her work is in the collections of the Vila Casas Foundation and the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art MACBA. Her work from 1969 to 1984 was the subject of a retrospective at MACBA in 2011.

Main works

  • Laberint (1969)
  • Acció al parc (1969)
  • Escuma (1969)
  • 3 punts (1970–1973)
  • Transport d'un raig de llum (1972)
  • Invisible Geometry 3 (1973)
  • Light Interaction and Wind Interaction (1973)
  • N.A.M.E. (1974) Performance
  • Vehicule (1974)Performance at la Galerie de Mont-real.
  • Two Main Subjective Points on an Objective Trajectory (1975)
  • Can't Go Home (1977)
  • Amagueu les nines, que passen els lladres
  • Triangle (1978)
  • Ornamentació (1979)
  • Paisatge (1983)

Main exhibits

Year Title Place City
1969 Laberint Centre Artístique de Verderonne París
1975 Two Main subjective Pints on an Objective Trajectory 3 Mercer St. Gallery Nova York
1977 Can't Go Home C Space Gallery Nova York
1977 Amagueu les nines que passen els lladres Galeria G Barcelona
1977 El viatge: primera part: No es pot tornar Espai Tres. Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell Sabadell
1978 I demà encara plourà, encara que els elelfants tinguin por (perquè tenen els ulls petits) Fundació Joan Miró
Fundació Joan Miró
The ' is a museum of modern art honoring Joan Miró and located on the hill called Montjuïc in Barcelona, Catalonia.-History:...

1979 E la forma Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra
Bellaterra is a wealthy quarter of Cerdanyola del Vallès, in the metropolitan area of Barcelona . It's famous for being the location of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona...

1979 Ornamentació Escola Universitària de Professorat Sant Cugat del Vallès
1979 Ornamentation: the unrelated Object C Space Gallery Nova York
1980 Bajo el... Sala de Cultura de la Caja de Ahorros de Pamplona Pamplona
Pamplona is the historial capital city of Navarre, in Spain, and of the former kingdom of Navarre.The city is famous worldwide for the San Fermín festival, from July 6 to 14, in which the running of the bulls is one of the main attractions...

1983 Escultures Espai 10, Fundació Miró Barcelona
1998 Angels Ribé 1997 Centre d'Art Santa Mònica
Centre d'Art Santa Mònica
Centre d'Art Santa Mònica, sometimes shortened as CASM, is a public museum of contemporary art in Barcelona opened in 1988. It's located in the Raval side of Rambla de Santa Mònica . It has no permanent collection but it hosts a number of travelling expositions of contemporary Spanish and...

. Espai Vau
1998 El terrat Galeria Senda Barcelona
2003 Àngels Ribé Fundació Vila Casas, Espai VolART Barcelona
2011 En el laberint. Àngels Ribé 1969-1984 MACBA Barcelona

External links

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