Édouard Delvaux
Édouard Delvaux (Brussels
Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...

, 1806 - Spa
Spa, Belgium
Spa is a municipality of Belgium. It lies in the country's Walloon Region and Province of Liège. It is situated in a valley in the Ardennes mountain chain, some southeast of Liège, and southwest of Aachen. As of 1 January 2006, Spa had a total population of 10,543...

, 1862) was a Belgian Romantic
Romanticism was an artistic, literary and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe, and gained strength in reaction to the Industrial Revolution...

 painter. The grandson of the sculptor Laurent Delvaux
Laurent Delvaux
Laurent Delvaux was a prolific Belgian sculptor.-Life:Delvaux was born in Ghent. In Brussels he was a student of Denis Plumier from Antwerp, he followed Plumier to London in 1719 and collaborated with him on the funerary monument of John Sheffield, duke of Buckingham...

 and apprentice of the painter Henri Van Assche
Henri Van Assche
Henri van Assche, born at Brussels in 1774, showed from his earliest years a predilection for painting, and received from his father, who was a distinguished amateur artist, the first principles of design and perspective. He was afterwards placed with Deroy of Brussels, from whom he received...

, his work mainly consisted of bucolic rural scenes from his many trips to France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. He won silver medal at the 1836 Brussels exhibition and was director of the École de dessin at Spa.

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