African Spurred Tortoise
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Is there a good way to introduce two tortoises. A male (12yrs old) and female(9yrs old). Can they hurt each other? 0 11/6/2015
I live in phoenix, in the summer it gets to be 115 on some days, is this too hot for them to survive on thier own? Also in the winter is it too cold f... 0 10/8/2015
We have a tortiose who is about 7 years old. Heres my question: Why does my tortoise eat pebbles and rocks? Anyone else have this issue? He seeks th... 0 9/14/2015
What do they eat 2 5/28/2015
How long do they stay small 1 5/28/2015
Burned shell 0 1/13/2015
I live in phoenix az, just put my almost 2 year turtles outside in a plastic pool filled with dirt. I came home today to find them foaming at the mout... 1 9/3/2014
Age 0 10/16/2013
What's it's eating pattern like, and what does it feed on. 1 9/29/2013