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Power windows and locks do not work, all fuses good any ideas? 0 12/4/2015
i am lookink into purchasing an E34 parts car and I am wondering if theres a way to identify what options the car has by way of the VIN number? Any h... 0 11/14/2014
Is the BMW M5 E34 driveshaft interchangable with the E34 535i, if not what is and do I need any extra parts to install it. 0 10/8/2014
I got an problem with my e34 525tds from 1994 she start's very hardly 0 4/8/2014
I have an E34 M20 520i. It has lost acceleration power and can not move uphill as used to. The mechanics have taken so much money trying to have it fi... 0 10/31/2013