Browning Hi-Power
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I have a high power w/ a ramp rear sight and a grove in the grip for a stock. ser # 9914. This was a Viet Nam bring back. Any information would be ... 0 2/18/2016
What are the pros and cons of removing the mag safty? 1 1/15/2015
I inherited a Hi-Power from my father-in-law. It was manufactured and assembled in Belgium in 1973 according to the serial number. It has never been... 0 9/27/2014
A local gun shop just put out for sale a extremely nice FN High Power all matching with a serial number in the 57,000 range. The proofs are for Liege.... 0 9/5/2014
Did browning or the John Inglis co manufacture a 45 caliber variant of the P35 hipower? Was it just designed and never built? 0 5/10/2014