Buick V6 engine
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The 225 dauntless oddfire v6 produced by kaiser for jeeps from 1966 had 165 hp and 235 ft lb torque. when buick bought it back and increased the bore ... 0 11/25/2015
I have a 2002 buick with a 3.8 engine. It starts and idles like it should but will not rev up under load. What could be the cause and solution? 0 8/26/2015
I have a supercharged buick v6, can someone suggest a trans for this engine in a triumph spitfire 0 8/19/2015
Trying to do a Engine swap, wondering with the oil pump up front in the 3.8 and 4.1 and all the diferent applications Minivans ect, did they ever make... 0 3/21/2014
Hi there i just want to know if the bell housing on a old buick v6 carb motor is the same bolt pattern as the v6 3800 fuel injected v6 out of a commod... 0 11/22/2013
Will a 1991 buick sport coupe 3800 motor fit into a 1998 grand prix with a 3800 motor. I have a 1998 frame and a 1991 buick 3800 motor. Please help 0 9/7/2013
How many 1993 pontiac grand am se's were produced with this engine? 1 8/17/2013
My v6 has a slight knock or tap at the front of the engine. I just got the jeep, and I don't know a thing about the v6 engine. Is this normal, a fuel ... 0 7/21/2013