Charpy impact test
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Im a production engg...recently i was asked to machine a raw material for material strength test(charpy) the required dimensions were 10X10X55mm..but ... 0 3/6/2015
Comparison of tension b/w ASTM-615 AND ASTM-E-23 0 12/18/2013
To pressure vessel fabricators out there... Why are impact tests a great expense and why should it be avoided? 0 9/18/2013
How can toughness be determine 0 8/25/2013
If say a piece of steel passes all the mechanical tests except the charpies which are low, would that mean that it is hard and needs tempering back? 1 8/25/2013
How do the impact energy from charpy impact test correlate with the stress strain curve obtainedb from the test 0 8/11/2013