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My students found a crayfish in a water puddle out in the parking lot this morning. What kind of habitat should we keep him in? I put some gravel, s... 0 11/17/2015
Can i refreeze crayfish after cooked 0 4/25/2015
Two questions: I luv eating crayfish tails & would like to know what streams/rivers in & around the the Bay Area (S.F. to San Jose) have the invasive ... 0 3/10/2015
I have an adult crayfish that we found on the side of the road here in NJ about a year ago. We keep it in an aquarium. We gave it some feeder fish but... 0 10/24/2014
What structures are used for capturing prey and securing and eating food? 1 2/17/2014
What can crayfish do for a lake that turns green by july? 0 12/26/2013