Iron(III) chloride
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A vendor suggested that we could place a large load > 3000 gallons of Ferric Sulfate into a bulk storage tank that held Ferric Chloride that still had... 0 2/3/2016
1. what are the products of the reaction between iron(iii)chloride and hydrogen sulphide and what is the balanced chemical equation of this reaction? 0 10/18/2015
Why does the bondlength in the ferric chloride longer than that of the ferous chloride ? 0 9/4/2013
What would be the product if you mix ferric chloride to carboxylic acids in the presence of sodium hydroxide? 0 8/5/2013
Is ferric chloride nano rod is stable in water? 0 7/31/2013
Is it possible to make a nano rod by using ferric chloride? 0 7/31/2013