Klebsiella pneumoniae
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  Subject Replies Date
My urine culture just showed klebsiella pneumoniae. I am not alcoholic, diabetic or hospitalized. how did I contract it? What is the treatment? Thanks... 0 5/21/2015
Can it cure? 0 4/6/2015
Can i catch it from havin sex 1 4/6/2015
How can i get streptococcus agalactiae 0 4/6/2015
What the klebsiella pneumoniae and what it do? 0 4/6/2015
What is its colony on blood agar? 0 11/14/2013
Klebsiella pneumoniae 0 11/14/2013
What is the mophology of colony in mac-conkey's agar for Klesiella pneumoniae? 0 11/14/2013