Lebel Model 1886 rifle
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I got 8mm lebel bolt action Mle1892 it gots two capital C's then circle j then circle c on left side reciver then on top of the reciver is capital n a... 0 5/17/2014
An estimated dollar value of the rifle in great condition, and how i would go about getting ammo. 0 4/10/2014
Just bought at a local auction what was called an 1892 French Lebel 8mm Carbine w/bayonette". Has on it MA S 4895, MLE (the LE is set upper half) 1892... 0 3/28/2014
Can anyone tell me where I can obtain a replacement stock set, either military or after market sporter type, for my Lebel Model 1886 rifle? I am despe... 0 3/8/2014
Lebel conversion to shotgun "Centaur" 0 2/21/2014