Little Red Riding Hood
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  Subject Replies Date
How did the environment shape little red riding hood? 0 4/21/2014
Does the story transcend stereotypes? Does the book portray physical diversity? Will children the able to recognize the characters in the text and i... 0 4/7/2014
Are the character portrayed as individuals instead of as representatives? 0 4/7/2014
What is the exposition of Little red riding hood? 0 10/17/2013
Anyone know where (Internet or in Australia) that I can get my hands on some written versions of little red riding hood that are either pre-perrault o... 0 1/25/2013
What is the theme of the little red riding hood?(please answer!!!!) 0 10/29/2012
What is the theme of the little red riding hood?(please answer!!!!) 1 10/29/2012