Lyndon B. Johnson
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  Subject Replies Date
What was Lyndon Johnson 2 10/25/2016
Senate years 1 8/20/2015
What was Lyndon Johnson 2 8/20/2015
During Lyndon Johnson's presidency, which of the following legislative or executive measures banned literacy tests? A. The Voting Rights Acts o... 0 6/6/2015
During Lyndon Johnson's presidency, which of the following legislative or executive measures banned literacy tests? A. The Voting Rights Acts o... 0 6/6/2015
What were Great Society programs that Lyndon Johnson initiated? 2 6/16/2014
Who enlists johnson to join the military? 0 5/6/2014
Early political career 1 5/13/2013
Is it true that Lyndon Johnson didn 2 5/12/2013
Why was lyndon b johnson arrested? 0 4/2/2013
Do all the people he named have his initials? 2 3/6/2012
Vice Presidency 1 2/4/2011