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  Subject Replies Date
What are some of the different ways of interpreting MacBeth as a tragedy? 3 10/26/2016
What are some of the themes of MacBeth? 2 9/24/2016
Hard Macbeth question 0 3/28/2015
Why did Macbeth lost his feelings toward lady Macbeth? 1 2/15/2015
How was she evil 1 7/20/2014
Lady Macbeth fears that her husband is not strong enough to achieve his ambitions and therefore calls on evil spirits to help her think of a plan to m... 0 7/20/2014
The role of witchcraft in Macbeth 1 7/17/2014
Has anyone seen Trevor Nunn's version of Macbeth - Act 5 Scene 8? ^_- (Final Battle against Macbeth and Macduff) 0 11/8/2013
How does Macbeth succeed in the politics of Scotland? 0 10/19/2013
Similarity with Antony and Cleopatra 1 4/10/2013
what is the first discussion about in macbeth 0 11/4/2012
what is Macbeths plan for dealing with the attacking troops? 0 10/28/2012
Shakespeare's sources for MacBeth 1 3/8/2012
Why is MacBeth considered an unlucky play? 2 3/8/2012
The curse of MacBeth 1 3/6/2012