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  Subject Replies Date
Free part for Model 2135 0 11/13/2018
I am considering buying a Massey Ferguson 383 cab tractor. Does anyone know if this is a good model? Pros, cons? These tractors show on tractor data ... 0 12/25/2017
Does anyone know how the tracks work on a MF 2244 Crawler I have one that I just buaght and after using it one day my right side track is locked up 0 9/9/2016
Does anybody know what the numbers 2244 stand for in the MF 2244 Crawler 0 7/14/2016
I have a 1958 TO 35 tractor, and it will not keep running at idle speed. If you raise speed up to about half ay, it will run. Does carb.have to be reb... 0 2/10/2016
I have an unopened OEM power steering Kit for 35 series tractors part # 1-835 682 M91, that I am willing to send to anyone that can use it for the $5.... 3 12/4/2015
Hi, Purchased a Massey Ferguson 65 Diesel last February. My objective here is to return tractor back to original condition. Have changed all flui... 0 12/2/2015
Where is the voltage regulator located at on a Massey furgeson 2244 (ad3-152) dozer/crawler? 0 11/20/2015
How do you adjust idle speed on a TO 35 tractor, mine won't run at idle will idle at 1000rpm, but at no lower speed, can someone help me out.... 1 11/4/2015
I have a 2007 Massey 530 (52HP). The 3-point lift jitters a bit on every lift regardless of weight and does not go down on its own when unloaded. Oth... 1 10/28/2015
I have a 1995 MF 383 w/ Perkins diesel. It is losing fuel prime when sitting more than three or four days. I have changed the fuel pump assuming sligh... 1 10/15/2015
How do you fix the hydrolic arm lift of a model 596 massey fergusson 1 10/11/2015
How do you fix the hydrolic arm lift of a model 596 massey fergusson 0 10/11/2015
I have a TO35 massey, I need to know what size of 3-point hitch rototillerI can use.can I use a 60 inch tiller? please give me a correct answer.THANK... 1 9/27/2015
I have a MF 65. The hydraulic lift seems to have plenty of capability. However, I have not figured out how to make the auxilary (hose lift) work. The ... 0 9/17/2015
I have a Massey Ferguson 1145. What horsepower is this tractor? Will it handle a 6 foot bush hot or do I need to be looking for a 5 foot. 0 8/14/2015
Hello Gentlemen, well my dad just recently bought a Massy Ferguson 175. Not sure what year, but I would like to learn how to fix it. The one I have ... 1 6/1/2015
I bought a 1965 massey 65 and was wondering if a full cab was ever made for it. 0 2/14/2015
I just bought a 2007 model 461 tractor,Ineed to install a block heater in it ,does it matter what side I install it on? There is easy access to the ri... 1 10/27/2014
I have a massy 360 all wheel drive that makes a whinning noise at the hydralic filter. its for sure not the alternator or the water pump because i to... 0 9/30/2014
Hi I renently bought a massey 240 or 245 dont know which one it is.There is a diffrence between this one and the models that they selling parts for an... 0 1/21/2014
Can anyone tell me how many 300 series tractors were built at Banner Lane? 0 10/23/2013
Need some help with tractor videos 0 2/18/2013