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The other kind of space matter. 0 4/21/2017
Meteorite stone denpasar bali indonesia 1 10/11/2015
My friend has rock thats not like anything Ive ever seen. Its 4"X 3"X1". For its size its heavier than steel, like lead. How do I tell if its real? 0 9/18/2015
Sutter's Mill meteorite & Encke's Comet 0 9/5/2015
This morning while outside I was looking up at the stars and noticed a orange colored meteor. As I was watching it fly acrost the sky from east to wes... 0 3/17/2015
How much mass does the Earth gain from meteorites every year? 0 1/27/2013
What is the global distribution of known meteorite impact craters I.e a world map showing where they hit to compare 0 1/7/2013