Mount Fuji
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  Subject Replies Date
Is mount fuji the bigest volcano 0 4/2/2015
What type of volcano is mount fuji? 1 1/21/2014
Are there people living on or near mount Fuji 1 1/21/2014
Is it true that the mountain can be seen from very far? 2 5/14/2013
What are the lakes that surround Mount Fuji? 2 4/10/2013
Why is`mt fugi an inportant landmark? 1 3/23/2013
What cities surround Mount Fuji? 2 3/7/2012
What are the two other holy mountains apart from Mount Fuji? 4 2/4/2011
What are the other features around Mount Fuji? 2 1/2/2011