Murtala Mohammed International Airport
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Hi, i got a mail from Rosemary Williams, she said she as sent laptops,digital camera and phones through Oscar fly courier,when i contact the courier c... 0 5/29/2017
Is morgan fly way shippin company in Nigeria?. Is any of their branch at Lagos?. It is true that there customer service are +234 7088070159 ?. 0 5/22/2017
from Victoria Pierce US? 0 3/30/2017
Is it true that morgan fly courier service in Nigeria 0 2/18/2017
Do i have goods sent by Eva Mary thomas on 11 jan.2013. By morgan fly couirer? 0 2/15/2017
Pls i want to know if this thing is a fraud, a lady called vivian cooper told me that she sent 2 me a dell laptop,black berry phones & digital camera,... 1 12/11/2016
Did you relly have a good from tina morgan to james elijah aduragbemi 0 12/10/2016
Is there Morgan fly way courier company American Nigeria in Murtala Mohammed International Airport Lagos. 0 12/4/2016
Really do i have a package sent by Eva Thomas Mary from USA,through Morgan fly way courier company American Nigeria(Lagos) My name is Okeke Uzochukwu 0 12/4/2016
Is there morgan fly way company, nigeria (Abuja branch) 1 12/3/2016
Am i expecting any goods for us today ?? 0 2/19/2015
What is the Immigration office phone number at the airport? 0 12/21/2014
Phone number 0 11/29/2014
A frend of mine sent me sumtin 4rm d states tru Oscarflyway delivery whose agents claim to hav a branch in d airport premises. And there are demanding... 11 10/14/2013
What is the phone number at the airport? 0 8/21/2013
Does the airport uses e-tickets? and what are the requirements of someone leaving there to the states? 0 8/21/2013
I want to know the noise management system in place at the murtala mohammed airport. i need full information on this. cheers 0 7/9/2013