Nicolaus Copernicus
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  Subject Replies Date
What were some of the things that Nicolaus Copernicus is famous for? 3 10/26/2016
Why was Copernicus's work so important? 2 10/26/2016
What are some tenets of Copernicanism? 2 9/24/2016
Where did his fascination begin with astronomy? 2 9/23/2015
Work life 1 8/19/2015
I'm doing a science project on Nicolaus Copernicus. I need help finding info on him, my presentation has to be 5 minutes long, and the project is due ... 0 5/16/2015
Did he have any kids? 0 3/15/2015
Is he a priest? 0 2/24/2014
Theory of Heliocentrism 1 5/12/2013
How was Copernicus educated? 2 4/11/2013
What different hats did he wear? 2 3/7/2012
Early life 1 3/6/2012
What were some of the predecessors of the Copernican system? 2 2/4/2011