Nissan Primastar
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  Subject Replies Date
How do I change gear selector cables on my primastar 03 plate 0 7/25/2018
Hi i own a Nissan Primastar 1.9 dci 2008 model 9 seater minibus. My vehicle will not rev up at all. it idles on JUST above 1000rpms. The glo plug wa... 0 11/11/2017
Wheel vibration after fitting alloys. 0 7/29/2016
Back lights 0 12/14/2015
I have a primastar wich will only run while pumping the hand pump what could be problem . 0 5/22/2015
My wind screen wipers work when they want on a nissan primstar 1 9/11/2014
Got a 2006 nissan primaster front suspension squicks at low speed on speed bumps pot holes but seems fine at speed!!!? 0 5/16/2014
What are the main issues with these vans, I've heard that they have gearbox faults. 0 4/25/2014