Pablo Picasso
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  Subject Replies Date
Early life 1 8/20/2015
Hi everyone. I have two Picasso paintings, that need to go after all this time. My question is where and about how much could I sell them for. O... 0 4/22/2015
Blue Period 1 7/18/2014
Cubism 1 7/17/2014
I need to now the price of the Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. If anyone could help me out I would greatly appriciate it. Please! 0 9/13/2013
My father-in-law owns a sketch by Picasso on notepaper from the Hotel de la Poste in St Hypolith du Fort. The date of the sketch is the 1st of May 1... 0 8/31/2013
Rose Period 1 5/12/2013
Political views 1 4/10/2013
Classicalism and Surrealism 1 2/4/2011
Personal life 3 1/1/2011