Paul of Tarsus
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  Subject Replies Date
His role in the early church 2 10/27/2016
How did Paul feel about women in the Church? 2 10/26/2016
What was his life like prior to his conversion? 2 9/25/2016
Was Paul Married? 1 10/1/2015
Where in the Bible can i find how many Languages Paul could speak? Thanks 0 5/13/2015
Did Paul have children 0 4/24/2015
Did Paul write the book of Hebrews ? 1 4/12/2015
Aramaic 1 4/12/2015
Pharisee 0 8/8/2014
How was Paul so persuasive? How did he react to doubt and disagreement? 1 3/21/2014
Was Paul married? 0 3/21/2014
How did Paul respond to treachery within the church? 1 3/21/2014
What did Paul look like? 0 3/21/2014
How many languages did paul speak 2 3/3/2014
Did Paul speak in tongues? I told a person the new testament was written by persons who spoke in tongues, and that the old was written by those who we... 0 11/19/2013
How many languages did the Apostle Paul speak? 2 8/4/2013
Conversion and early ministry 1 5/13/2013
Writings 1 5/12/2013