Pekin duck
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I have two questions: I was given two "female" pekin ducks a few weeks ago, they are about 6 months old. They have started laying eggs, I get one to... 0 9/23/2016
I have a male peking duck that was hurt. I don't know what happened but he hurt his back. It has been about 3 weeks and he is doing better but cant wa... 0 5/20/2014
I read the article on Pekin ducks. Is this clear, that white Pekin ducks are related from Mallards and are originated from them? 0 11/17/2013
Does anyone know about a bill disorder that looks like a sunken lesion on the bill? It is light brown in color. Two of my ducks have this condition, b... 1 9/24/2013
Does duck embryos help with fertility? 0 8/27/2013