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Hi, I'm interested in creating 2 simple web pages (html only) that use some R scripts: first page will get some user input and with R will generate... 0 5/2/2017
Hi, I have tried some different packages in order to build a R program which will take as input a text file, produce a list of the words inside that ... 1 4/22/2017
Hi, I wrote one function for storing dataframe to SQL Server table and Oracle using SqlSave function. but it working only in SQL Server. i am ge... 0 6/18/2016
About set operation and computation after split in R language 1 6/6/2016
Divide tick-data into intervalls Hello, Im currently writing my bachelor thesis in statistical finance and i have run into a small problem... 0 5/8/2016
Applying R script to several similar files in one directory.I have three files in one folder.the code given below will do all calculations for the fir... 0 4/29/2016
I ran reshape package and got the following error messages. > library(reshape) Loading required package: plyr Error in get(Info[i, 1], envir = ... 0 1/18/2016
I am so new to R and I am trying to estimate Panel Unit Root with purtest command. For the last hours I was only able to load the data and install the... 0 1/6/2016
Hello I would like to optimize a function which is as follows. nc.adj <- function(nc, G) { x = a + G + (b/(G^2 + (c - G)^2)) - nc retu... 0 6/16/2015
Hi, I have to write various functions in R that take a square matrix and a vector and return a value. To use a simple, example, if I have the Equat... 0 12/2/2014
I have two vectors markets and price market <- c(1, 5, 7, 9, 9, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1) price <- c(100, 20, 30, 10, 50, 23, 23, 33, 96, 6, 4, 38, ... 0 11/14/2014
OK, so I want to calculate the mean, the variances and everything in R for a dataset. Do you know how to get rid of the e+02 in this 3.045115e+02 (... 0 11/11/2014
Can anyone help me to solve this please. Have a look at flags.data, a data set from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository1. Fit a linear model... 0 10/13/2014
I have a specific question about the use of the R language.I hope someone can help me.I have 2 list which have the same names,such as: first list is ... 0 7/20/2014
How can I implement K-means clustering on data that set in Excel file ?? 0 5/18/2014
I have started learning R programming language, i am facing difficulty while using for loops, ifelse conditions multiple times in the same script. Any... 0 4/14/2014
Free training for R-PLUS 1 1/26/2014
Calculating the shape parameter of a gamma distribution when the scale and probability are known: I would like to understand how to use R to calcul... 0 1/20/2014
I have two regions in a Scatterplot. I need to find a line of best fit that separates the two regions. Any idea how to proceed and functions that I sh... 0 9/7/2013