Remington 870
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Can i replace the 2 3/4" barrel with a rifled 3" slug barrel & operate safely? 0 12/16/2015
What's the best type stock for a 870 tactical type shotgun? 0 11/19/2015
I have a 20 ga. 870 magnum with a rifled barrel marked 2 3/4 . Can i shoot 3 in. slugs? 0 11/10/2015
Can i shoot any 12 guage ammo trough it 0 7/26/2015
I have an 870 special with the 21in barrel and was wondering if a longer barrel for the wingmaster or express would fit mine. 0 4/21/2015
Has anyone installed a Timney 'Trigger Fix' or Accuracy Speaks Trigger Kit? What is your evaluation of improvement over 'sloppy' factory trigger? Was... 0 2/19/2015
Is it safe to shoot slugs trough a regular barrel 1 1/2/2015
Can i shoot a slug out of my 870 youth model 20 gauge pump shotgun 1 12/17/2014
I took apart my old 870 to install a composite stock and fore-end. I'm having issues tightening up the fore end nut, would anyone know where to find f... 0 8/20/2014
I recently recieved a Remington 870 thumbhole shotgun with Real Tree Hardwood camo and a rifled barrel for deer hunting. I want to find a turkey barre... 0 3/31/2014
My 870 has a riffeled barral, so I bought the sabots plastic heads expensive per box. This ammunition is not consistant. I was told not to use the re... 1 11/14/2013
How and why does the pin that holds trigger in keep falling out.bought the gun used without the pin and a gunsmith gave me one to replace it. now it f... 0 8/18/2013