Social Security Administration
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  Subject Replies Date
Do any states charge state tax on social security. I know some do not but I wondered if Ohio does. 0 7/6/2015
What is the process for changing the bank to receive my direct deposit? 0 6/27/2015
I Carolyn Valentine got aprove for my ssi and i was told that i have 9 months back pay and all i got was a check for the month of April 2010 may... 0 6/26/2015
Changing Payment Dates... 0 6/5/2015
I asked a question once before, but apparently nobody got it or it was to the wrong place.... It is in regards to Payments I recieve.... I get a payme... 0 6/5/2015
My son receives survivors benifets.His prior payee had funds saved up for him. She hasn't returned any of his conserved funds back to ssa. What should... 0 5/18/2015
I changed my card back to my maiden name on my ssn card, however, all my id's still remain listed under my married name. Help. This mistake has had a... 0 5/17/2015
If i move in with another person howwill my benefits be affected? 0 5/12/2015
I havent recieved my benifits yet, im suppose to get them on the 4th wed. of every month. why? 0 5/2/2015
My brother receives disability benefits from SSA. If I gift him money to help him with his monthly bills, will that jeopordize his eligability? 0 4/23/2015
How do I find my social security sign in username and password? 0 4/17/2015
How do I get a social security w2 form? 0 4/17/2015
My social security check is usually depostied in my account by the 16th of the month, but it's not here can you tell me why?? 0 4/16/2015
My doctor has told me due to my health conditions I need to file for social security disability because he and I feel I am no longer able to do my job... 0 4/13/2015
At what age and income will my ssi be lowerd when age is over 66? 0 3/28/2015
Social security replacement cards 0 3/27/2015
Retire pinsion 0 3/26/2015
I received a statement in the mail yesterday and it shows that my former employer did not report earnings for its employees about 3 years. What do I ... 0 3/22/2015
I was`approved for benefits ,how long does it take to start getting benefits. 0 3/20/2015
I recently received my annual estimation of benefits for retirement. I noted a drop in my estimated benefit in spite of an increase in my annual incom... 0 3/11/2015
If you are 66 and working and your income is 66,000 a year. Can you draw social security and how much would it be? 0 2/18/2015
I just turned 62. I work full-time and do not plan to retire from my profession for a few years. My question is: If I were to apply for retirement ... 0 2/6/2015
I am 70 and on social security what would happen to all my benefits ( A,B ,D) if I got married and my wife works? 0 1/20/2015
I heard that people on disability were going to get 250 dollars in January is this true? 0 12/21/2014
My son is 19 years old he has been receiving social security benefits until he turned eighteen due to his father being deceased. He graduated high sc... 0 9/30/2014
How much money in taxes were paid to the federal government and not claimed every year by illegal immigrants. 0 9/21/2014
My mother in law age 82 was married & divorced to a man about 10 yrs ago.As she has limited income,she would like to know if she is entitled to any of... 0 8/29/2014
I need a cope of my new adress please send it by fax 484-924-8938 /Deanna Soldana 0 8/23/2014
Is it true that our US Administration robbed the Social Security Administration of 2.6 trillion dollars? 0 8/11/2014
Do noncitizens earn the right to become citizens when married to US citizens? 0 2/15/2014
Do non citizens earn the right to become citizens when they become married to US citizens? 0 2/15/2014
I am receiving social security benefits due to retirng from my job. I got injury on the job before I was able to retired I have been receving workman'... 1 2/10/2014
Can you send me a copy of all your non t from us treasury do you get non marketable securities or cash/marketable us treasury holdings and in getting ... 1 9/18/2013