Stephen Rea
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  Subject Replies Date
Does Ireland have special olympics 0 6/30/2013
I got a question does it snow in Dublin Ireland it snows over in Canada Ontario Ottawa just wondering 0 4/17/2013
I got a question what is acting on stage like is it fun just curious do people who act on stage have to get up at 6am in the morning just wondering... 1 4/17/2013
Films 1 4/14/2013
Movie stuck 0 4/11/2013
I got a question i am curious is there Special Olympics in Ireland i do special Olympics and am just curious 0 4/11/2013
Does Stephen Rea like soccer just curious i played Soccer a while ago with Special Olympics i have seen it on TV when i visited Scotland and Irela... 0 4/10/2013
I got a question what year was the movie Butcher boy i have heard of the movie but have not seen it i heard its starring Stephen Rea it looks li... 2 4/9/2013
What year did Stephen Rea begin to act on stage just wondering i like Stephen Rea he does well on films and on stage 0 4/9/2013
I am curipus what year was the movie the crying game i forgot what year it was i did enjoy the movie 0 3/3/2013
Cool movie the crying game 0 3/3/2013
Did you see the movie the green mile i saw the movie and it was a good movie and had a good story to it 0 3/3/2013
Films 3 3/3/2013