The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
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  Subject Replies Date
What is charlottes knowledge about the stowaway in the beginning of part one and the end 0 10/19/2015
What did her father do for a living? 0 9/7/2015
What issue did mr. hollybrass present to captain jaggery as the crew assembled for roll call? 0 9/7/2015
The old and new Charlotte Doyle 0 10/10/2014
Whose good opinion of charlotte gives her "the license to be liked?" 0 6/1/2014
What events leads Charlotte to reverse her opinions of the captain and the crew? 1 5/22/2014
What was Charlotte's street name. 0 5/17/2014
Who was the man that charlotte saw climbing up ropes from the dock to the ship? 1 5/17/2014
10 things that makes Jaggery happy on the boat??? 1 4/17/2014
What were the crew members clothes made out of? 1 4/7/2014
Why did charlotte keep the dirk 1 4/6/2014
What is charlie's first impression of the docks 0 2/11/2014
After the ship dips how does charlette feel with her decission to climb? 0 1/12/2014