Thomas Paine
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  Subject Replies Date
Rights of Man 1 9/25/2016
Would being a part of Britain affect American commerce? If so, how? In Thomas Paine " Common Sense" 0 2/27/2016
How long was thomas paine a prest and did every one look forword to taling to him or stuf like that??? 0 11/21/2015
I am reading "The Essential Thomas Paine". I am sometimes having to go a paragaph at a time to understand it fully. I'm shure yall have the grey matte... 0 5/10/2015
How does Thomas Paine describe life in boston?? 0 10/13/2014
What were his political views? 2 6/16/2014
What award is given in Thomas paine's memory? To whom is the award given? 0 1/21/2014
So what would be Paine's critique on conservatives? 0 5/17/2013
The Age of Reason 1 4/11/2013
What contributions did thomas make in the revolutionary war? 0 1/1/2013
Role in the American Revolution 1 2/4/2011
Early life 1 2/4/2011