United Nations
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  Subject Replies Date
How many members are there in total? 1 10/25/2016
Middle East Conflict 0 9/27/2016
The primary responsibility granted upon the Security Council by the Member States is to: 0 6/13/2015
Do united nations agents ever handle money that supposedly a person won out of a law suit? 0 4/19/2015
What is the history and role of big five? 0 12/28/2014
Being an international body, what languages does it function in? 2 7/18/2014
What are the outlined intended achievements of the United Nations? 2 7/18/2014
What policies did the united nations create? What countries participated in the United Nations? How active was these countries? What events led to ... 0 3/1/2014
Will the UN's system be saved from the clutches of neoutilitarianism? 0 12/17/2012
How is it funded? 2 2/4/2011
What are the different main divisions of the UN? 2 2/4/2011