United States House of Representatives
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  Subject Replies Date
Who is Representative to the House of Representatives? 0 9/7/2014
I was told that the house of representatives began when we were spread our so much and we needed someone to represent our wishes to those in control, ... 0 6/5/2014
Project english 0 4/1/2014
How is confederation different from the U.S. Representative Democracy? 0 4/1/2014
How many representatives are there in the Untied States? 0 12/14/2013
What group studies new bills or investigates areas of Concern? 0 12/3/2013
During the late 19th century the house of representatives was? 0 8/1/2013
what party controlled the house of representitives fromm 2000- 2006? 1 11/13/2012